Plus, Democrats force a vote on marriage equality, and more...
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July 20, 2022
After Roe’s Repeal, CVS Told Pharmacists to Withhold Certain Prescriptions
The retail health care giant instructed pharmacies to check why customers need medications such as methotrexate—and to refuse to provide them if they can’t prove they’re not for an abortion.
by Laura Weiss
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West Virginians don’t waste much time worrying that corporations pay too much in taxes. Why does Joe?
by Timothy Noah
A new bill in the House would let Puerto Ricans choose between statehood, independence, or free association, but the island’s status will remain in limbo unless Congress faces a ticking clock.
by Alberto C. Medina
The vote on the Respect for Marriage Act was good policy, and good politics.
by Matt Ford
That green intern who tried to pass fake electors to Mike Pence was in fact a very seasoned and partisan operative. And increasingly, it’s an issue in the senator’s reelection campaign.
by Daniel Strauss
From the archives:
In light of the climate crisis, a movement is afoot to redefine prosperity in radically minimalist fashion.
by Aaron Timms


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