Hello Humble Bitcoiners!

Another day and yet another blast of signal straight into your inbox. Somehow the good news, developments and content just keep on coming!
📝 Today's Rundown
  • 🥷🏼 Fight For Freedom: The Financial Action Task Force and its anti-money laundering policies are antithetical to Bitcoin and an attack on human rights everywhere.
  • 💻 Improving Privacy: A group of developers in Malaysia are working to incorporate FROST and Taproot to create federated Chaumian mints with the Fedimint protocol.
  • ⚔️ Tor Under Attack: With a lack of funding, the Tor project is struggling to defend against denial-of-service attacks, putting Bitcoin projects at risk.
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🥷🏼 Fight For Freedom

Bitcoiners Must Fight The FATF And Its AML Regime
By Stephen Livera

The Financial Action Task Force (FATF) and its anti-money laundering (AML) policies are at war against Bitcoin and its ideology of freedom. Those in power are insatiably focused on control over money and financial surveillance. 

From a property rights standpoint, the fact that individuals and businesses must “ask permission” from regulators or licensing agencies to continue operating should be considered tyranny. Everyone should be able to run their businesses how they see fit.

The author of this article discusses the struggle humanity is facing today because of financial surveillance and control, and how bitcoin is a big part of the answer to the obsoletion of privacy violations. But those in power are not going to remain silent to such a threat.

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💻 Improving Privacy

Using Taproot And FROST To Improve Bitcoin Privacy
By Nick Farrow And Dan Gould

Self-custody is a novel, scary concept for most people. This is why so many people are accustomed to storing their bitcoin with a third-party custodian like exchanges, leaving them exposed to censorship, surveillance and even the risk of insolvency.

Federated Mints offer an alternative to this problem. A Federation of guardians can be used to keep community funds safe, by allowing anyone to send bitcoin to a FediMint in exchange for E-cash tokens. The tokens are like super-powered banknotes with increased privacy, and only by submitting a Lightning invoice can one "peg-out" and turn their E-cash tokens back into bitcoin.

In an attempt to improve privacy in the process of joining a Federation, four hackers, the host of the largest Chinese bitcoin podcast and a scholar on track to earn the first Bitcoin doctoral degree, joined forces at a Malaysian Hackathon. Together they created the implementation FROST, a new kind of multisig allowing new guardians, as a way join Federations without coordinating with every member of the Federation to generate new keys again. 

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📰 The Daily Bits

1. By adopting bitcoin, the Benedictines of Mary, Queen of Apostles from Kansas City were able to build their church and focus on preserving Catholic traditions.

2. CFTC and SEC regulation for bitcoin is inevitable. While some people are against it, regulatory clarity will help bitcoin adoption and boost the price.

3. Mastercard is set to announce plans to help banks offer bitcoin and cryptocurrency trading, handling any regulatory compliance and security.

4. The humanitarian work being done by Agua x Vida is another example of the power of permissionless money.

5. There are different ideas used in human resources that can be extracted and applied to the Bitcoin community.

6. Bitcoin is freedom money that exists for the people, by the people and of the people.
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⚔️ Tor Under Attack

Tor Is Under Attack And Bitcoiners Must Help Fix It
By Max Hillebrand

If you love Bitcoin, you should help Tor! 

The Onion Router (Tor) is a free and open-source software that enables anonymous communication and is a crucial instrument to enhancing Bitcoin’s privacy. CoinJoins and many other projects in the Bitcoin space and beyond use Tor to guarantee one of the most important human rights of all: privacy. Without privacy, true freedom can’t be achieved. Sovereignty is only possible if censorship and coercion are not feasible, and that can only be achieved with privacy. 

The Tor Network is regularly under attack by those who stand against freedom and privacy, but the even more tragic is that the Tor project is dreadfully underfunded. Maintenance is difficult with such little funding. Although it is most important to acquire more Tor developers, anyone can help by donating money.

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The world runs on money. If money isn't scarce, then everything else you need will become scarce. What can we do? Luckily for us, there is a new kind of money that can't be debased. 😉

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