In this issue, October 19, 2021 View it in your browser.

GitHub Copilot, Cloudflare Storage, Agentless Monitoring, Google Dev Library, Semeru for OpenJ9, Testing Persistence, Facebook CSS-in-JS, Mobile DevSecOps, Low-Code, EDA, Four-Day Work Week

QCon London is back! Attend in-person on April 4-6, 2022.

QCon London is a conference for senior software engineers, architects, and team leads. Deep-dive with world-class software leaders on the patterns, practices, and use cases leveraged by the world’s most innovative software professionals. Save £345 if you register before November 8th.



GraphQL at Enterprise Scale

Learn how to scale GraphQL company-wide with a principled approach to designing a federated graph. Download e-book now.

The InfoQ eMag: Operating Microservices

The companies that are successfully operating distributed systems use tools and techniques that address operational concerns of the individual microservices as well as for the whole system. This eMag features content from InfoQ articles and presentations from the Operating Microservices track of QCon Plus. (eMag)

Rosaria Silipo on Codeless Deep Learning and Visual Programming

In this podcast, Rosaria Silipo talks about the emerging trends in deep learning, with a focus on low code visual programming to help data scientists apply deep learning techniques without having to code the solution from scratch. (Podcast)

Growing Teams and Retaining Culture in Remote Health Care

In this podcast, Shane Hastie, lead editor for culture & methods, spoke to Damon Lanphear about recruiting and growing remote teams, hanging the interviewing process, governance as an accelerator of innovation, and applying AI to primary healthcare. (Podcast)

TOP AI, ML & Data Engineering NEWS HEADLINES

  1. Scikit-learn 1.0 Supports Spline Transformers, Quantile Regression and Improved Plotting API

GitHub's Copilot Still a Long Way From Autopilot

Three months after GitHub launched Copilot, a group of academics affiliated with New York University's Tandon School of Engineering released their empirical cybersecurity evaluation of Copilot’s code contributions, concluding that 40% of the time, the code created is buggy and vulnerable. (News)


Cockroach Labs

But seriously, why call it 'CockroachDB'?

Download Oreilly's definitive guide to CockroachDB and distributed data at scale. Download the Book.


  1. AWS Lambda Functions Powered by AWS Graviton2 Processor for Better Price to Performance Ratio

  2. Cloudflare Challenges AWS with R2 Storage and No Egress Fees

Why the Future of Monitoring Is Agentless

Traditionally, monitoring software has relied heavily on agent-based approaches for extracting telemetry data from systems. Observability requires better telemetry than agents currently provide. OpenTelemetry is driving advances in this area by creating a standard format and APIs to create, transmit, and store telemetry data. This unlocks new opportunities in observability. (Article)



O'Reilly eBook: Kubernetes Best Practices

This eBook from our friends at O’Reilly provides the guidance and tools you need to successfully build and manage applications on Kubernetes. Download yours today!


  1. Intel Loihi 2 and Lava Framework Aim to Advance Neuromorphic Computing Research

  2. Google's Dev Library is a Curated Collection of Projects about Google Tech

  3. OCaml 5 Will Include Multicore Support

Engineering Digital Transformation for Continuous Improvement

Engineering The Digital transformation leverages manufacturing's successful track record of improving productivity and quality and organizational change management principles. It's a training program designed to reduce the barriers to change, enable teams to understand good design patterns, and ultimately allow organizations to create a systematic approach to continuous improvement. (Article)



Web Application Security (By O’Reilly)

In this ebook you will learn about common vulnerabilities plaguing today's web applications, how to deploy mitigations to protect your applications against hackers, and gain practical tips to help you improve the overall security of your web applications. Download now.


  1. IBM Introduces the Semeru Runtimes for OpenJ9

Java News Roundup: WildFly 25, JEP 408, Quarkus 2.3.0, MicroProfile 5.0-RC1, Mockito 4.0, Jelastic

This week's Java roundup for October 4th, 2021, features news from OpenJDK, JDK 18, Spring Cloud 21.0.0-M2, WildFly 25, Quarkus 2.3.0.Final, MicroProfile 5.0-RC1, Open Liberty, Mockito 4.0, Apache Camel 3.12.0 and 3.7.6, Apache Camel Quarkus 2.3.0, and Jelastic PaaS acquired by Virtuozzo. (News)



Why tracing might replace (almost) all logging

Lightstep Co-founder Ben Sigelman shares his vision for the future of distributed tracing. Download now.

The Fundamentals of Testing with Persistence Layers

Mocking out dependencies such as databases and other persistence layers leads to ineffective tests. Unfortunately, our industry is also focused on function-level testing to the exclusion of all else, so few are trained on how to write any other type of test. This article seeks to correct the issue by reintroducing the concept of testing with databases. (Article)



Do We Still Need a Bastion?

Bastion hosts provide good enough security to protect direct network access to servers and applications but have shortcomings. Learn more.


  1. Streamlining the Handoff between Designers and Developers - Travis Arnold at React Finland 2021

Facebook CSS-in-JS Solution Stylex Introduced at React Finland 2021

Naman Goel, software engineer at Facebook, recently presented Stylex at React Finland 2021. Stylex is Facebook’s custom CSS-in-JS solution used for the new website. StyleX alleviates key pain points of CSS-in-JS for large React applications (unused styles, large CSS files, CSS-in-JS library size). Goel anticipates that Stylex will be open-sourced by the end of 2021. (News)


2021 GigaOm Radar Report

Gloo Mesh recognized as Market Leader and Outperformer for both maturity and innovation. Download the report to learn more about the market innovators and outperformers in the service mesh market.


  1. Ionic Portals Aims to Simplify the Integration of Web Apps into iOS and Android Native Code

Mobile DevSecOps Is the Road to Mobile Security

In this article, I’ll discuss some of the most common security deficiencies in mobile apps and explain the potential risks to consumers, app developers, and brands, as well as how to break the cycle of poor app security, using automated, rapid, continuous, and iterative deployment. (Article)

Soulful Socio-Technical Architecture

Happy developers make happy customers and stakeholders. Authority is ineffective with competent and knowledgeable teams. Socio-technical systems design provides a new worldview of what constitutes quality of working life and humanism at work. To create a magic environment where the soul of our teams can thrive, we need to create the conditions for strong relationships to develop and flourish. (Article)

How to Not Lose Your Job to Low-Code Software

The uptake of low code software is so strong that it will almost certainly make its way into your organization. Most software engineers shouldn’t be concerned about this because they are good at the things that low code software is not yet good at. The key to surviving and thriving during this change is ensuring that your role encompasses responsibilities that low code can’t yet do. (Article)

Unwinding a Decade of Assumptions - Architecting New Experiences

Cole Turner shares implementing new experiences across dozens of Netflix microservices, how they navigate assumptions, from ideation to delivery, and how those assumptions impact decision making. (Presentation with transcript included)
Find out what should be on your radar from world-class domain experts. Discover emerging software trends and innovations. Book your spot at QCon Plus November 2021.

Panel: Event Driven Architectures of Scale

Wes Reisz, Matthew Clark, Gwen Shapira, and Ian Thomas discuss the evolution of event-driven architectures over the decades, the advantages that EDA offers, and thoughts for the future. (Presentation with transcript included)



Kubernetes Up & Running (By O’Reilly)

Get a practical look at how Kubernetes and container technology can help you achieve new levels of velocity, agility, reliability, and efficiency. Download now.

TOP Culture & Methods NEWS HEADLINES

  1. How a Safe-to-Fail Approach Can Enable Psychological Safety in Teams

  2. Four-Day Work Week Gaining Traction

Better Scrum through Essence

Scrum is easy to explain and hard to do well. The majority of Scrum Teams struggle to do Scrum well. The OMG Essence standard promises to make practices more accessible and to free them from the tyranny of formal methods and frameworks. This article explains how Essence Scrum practices produced by Ian Spence and Dr. Jeff Sutherland can help your teams get better at Scrum regardless of the context. (Article)


Latest White Papers

The InfoQ eMag: Managing Observability, Resilience, and Complexity within Distributed Systems



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