Good morning, Marketers, and welcome to summer

Today is the first day of summer, 2022. We hope some of you already kicked things off with yesterday’s public holiday marking Juneteenth. 

We’re back in gear with the latest installment of Stacey Ackerman’s guide to the Agile Marketing Navigator, something she will continue to lay out over the weeks to come.

Also I looked back to a 2019 piece we published on how to refresh your marketing strategy for summer. The advice is still good.

Kim Davis
Editorial Director

Getting started with the Agile Marketing Navigator: Creating a Blueprint

A Blueprint easily and effectively communicates the work the agile team has planned with its stakeholders.

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24 questions to ask identity resolution vendors during a demo

As the linchpin to a customer-centric strategy, identity resolution allows marketers to more accurately target and personalize brand messages to create better customer experiences.

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Webinar: Next-Level Email Strategy Requires Conversation Automation

Traditional, one-way email nurture just can’t provide the kind of personalized, back-and-forth experience needed to move lukewarm leads to sales-ready status. Take the next step.

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InMoment acquires review management company

ReviewTrackers will help users of the experience improvement platform access customer voices.

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4 easy ways to refresh your marketing strategy during the summer

Fine-tune small things to see what works for your customers and consider exclusivity tactics that lead to loyalty.

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MarTech Salary and Career Survey shows big rewards for knowing marketing and machines

Marketing and marketing operations are hot career options.

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What’s a DAM and why should marketers care?

What should a digital asset management (DAM) platform do and what are the ways that vendors differ from one another? This guide from MarTech Today explains it all.

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4 strategies to help marketing teams improve workflow and collaboration

Remote work challenges become assets when workflow is transformed digitally.

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Unlock the science of email deliverability and optimization

Part art. Part asset. All awesome. Download MarTech’s Email Marketing Periodic Table now to understand the elements that go into successful email marketing campaigns.

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