In this issue, November 7, 2017 View it in your browser.

Aging in IT, AI Defeats CAPTCHA, CNCF, Spring Tool Suite, C# 7.1 and C# 7.2, Angular 5, Kotlin for Android, Microservices

Software is changing the world. AI is changing software. Join us at

When should you use a machine learning algorithm? When is a rules engine the right approach? At, we’ll help senior software engineers and architects uncover the real-world patterns, practices, and use cases for applying artificial intelligence/machine learning in engineering. Registration is now open! Save $300 if you register before Nov 17th!



Managing Microservices Performance: Top 6 Challenges. Microservices architectures can yield thousands of individual microservices, introducing new challenges in both deployment management and microservices performance. This paper reviews the six challenges and best practices in managing microservice performance. Download now.

Don Denoncourt on Aging in IT and Being a Lifelong Learner

In this podcast Shane Hastie, Lead Editor for Culture & Methods, talks to Don Denoncourt about remaining an engineer as one ages. (Podcast)

Data Science Latest Content


Systems That Learn

Stephen Buckley discusses the Systems That Learn initiative which aims to create systems that learn by combining expertise in Systems and Machine Learning. (Presentation)



How mature are your database DevOps processes? Complete Redgate’s Database DevOps Maturity Assessment to evaluate your processes, benchmark against peers, and receive recommendations for improvements. Find out more.

DevOps Latest Content


What Is "Cloud-Native" Data and Why Does It Matter?

We know what "cloud-native apps" are, but what about the data services they depend on? In this article, we look at ten characteristics of cloud-native data and the implications of each. (Article)

Delve into DevOps: Articles, Case Studies, and More

5 Steps to Building a Successful Private Cloud; Understanding Cloud Native Infrastructure; Top 10 Adages in Continuous Deployment, and more. Learn More.



The Six Essentials for DevOps Team Excellence.
This new ebook from offers six tips to build a framework for DevOps teams embedding security and development best practices into an agile operation. Download now.

Development Latest Content


Homoiconicity: It Is What It Is

Stuart Sierra demonstrates the power that comes from having the same data representation at all layers: programming language, specification, database, inter-process communication, and user interface. He looks at Clojure, a modern dynamic programming language in the Lisp family, and Datomic, a transactional, distributed database. (Presentation)
The next QCon is in San Francisco, Nov 13-17, 2017. Join us!



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Java Latest Content

Spring Tool Suite 3.9.1 Released

Pivotal recently released version 3.9.1 of its Spring Tool Suite (STS), the Eclipse-based IDE for developing applications in Spring Framework. STS has been updated to Eclipse Oxygen.1a, which includes support for JDK 9 and JUnit 5 out of the box. (News)

Explore Innovation in the Java Landscape

Building Reactive Systems Using Akka; The Evolution of Eclipse Collections; Painless Migration to Java Jigsaw. Learn More.

.NET Latest Content


Catching up with C# 7.1 and C# 7.2

Back in August, C# 7.1 was quietly released along with Visual Studio 15.3, but it’s not quite ready. In this report we’ll look at a subtle compiler bug and what’s next in store for the soon to be released C# 7.2. (News)

Dynamic Languages Latest Content

TOP Dynamic Languages NEWS HEADLINES

Using Webpack to Streamline Modern Web Application Packaging and Deployment

Kevin Grossnicklaus discusses how to get started with WebPack, how to configure Visual Studio for it and some of the best practices for utilizing it with Angular2 or React. (Presentation)



Spring Framework 4.3.x - Get Your Spring 4.3.x Certification Questions. Our online web simulator and mobile app provides practice test questions - with answer and explanations - to help you get your Spring 4.3.x Certification with ease. The exam simulator contains 4 exam dumps with 200 questions. Subscribe Now.

Mobile Latest Content


Kotlin Use for Android Apps is Growing, Getting More Google Support

In the six months since Google announced official support for Kotlin as a first-class language for Android development, Kotlin usage has more than doubled, writes Google product manager James Lau, and more than 17% of Android Studio 3.0 projects now use Kotlin. (News)

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Architecture & Design Latest Content

TOP Architecture & Design NEWS HEADLINES

Virtual Panel: Microservices Interaction and Governance Model - Orchestration v Choreography

The recent trend in application architectures is to transition from monolithic applications to a microservices model. This transition without a good service interaction model will most likely result in chaos and a service landscape that's hard to govern and maintain. InfoQ spoke with domain experts on this topic and compiled their responses in this virtual panel article (Article)

Microservices with Kong

Thijs Schreijer discusses building microservices with Mashape’s Kong, an API gateway. (Presentation)

Distributed Ledgers: Anonymity and Immutability at Scale

Eleanor McHugh discusses distributed ledgers, what they are, what they are useful for and the privacy concerns they raise. (Presentation)

Always Available

Claudio Ortolina discusses leveraging Elixir/OTP tools to provide continuous service even when a database is down, walking through the refactoring of an Elixir/Phoenix/PostgreSQL application. (Presentation)

Twelve Patterns for Hypermedia Microservices

Mike Amundsen presents 12 patterns and practices for building APIs that can evolve over time and client applications that can adapt to those changes without relying on explicit versioning systems. (Presentation)

Learn what you don’t know that you should know

Stay ahead of new trends in software architecture with a quick overview of best practices and case studies from famous companies in the industry. Everything from reactive programming to what’s new in the microservices vs monolith debate. Hear from people that are currently implementing the innovative technologies of tomorrow.

Culture & Methods Latest Content

TOP Culture & Methods NEWS HEADLINES

Customize Your Agile Approach: Start with Results You Want

This is the second in a series of articles that will help you think about how you might want to customize your agile approach for your context. This article is about the data teams might collect and use—working product and other measures—that you might want to share with your managers and stakeholders. (Article)

Aligning Impact from Boardrooms to Pixels

Michael Le explores examples of how OKRs (Objectives and Key Results) were used to help teams focus on what they should work on, to help frame product critiques, and to manage backlogs. (Presentation)