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Tuesday, March 22, 2022

News Headlines

AHA to hospitals: Be prepared for attack from Russian cyber hackers

The American Hospital Association (AHA) is amplifying a federal warning for hospitals and other organizations to be on the lookout for hackers attempting to infiltrate computer systems as part of “Russian state-sponsored malicious cyber activity.”

IAC accredited facilities are committed to providing safe, quality care

This Content is Brought to you in Partnership with: Intersocietal Accreditation Commission (IAC)

The ongoing pandemic has heightened awareness amongst patients as they seek to ensure that they are receiving medical care in facilities that are following established safety protocols and procedures. Facilities that have earned accreditation by the Intersocietal Accreditation Commission (IAC) demonstrate a commitment to quality and safety to referring physicians and their patients.

One-third of nurses plan to quit their jobs in 2022, thanks to high stress and burnout

Not all are leaving nursing; 40% plan to pursue a nursing role elsewhere. But nearly 32% of nurses plan to either retire or the field altogether, according to Nursing in the Time of COVID-19, an annual report by staffing agency Incredible Health, which surveyed 2,500 nurses.


Mac's Safety Space

Apparently, it’s Monday Morning somewhere…

I suppose it was only a matter of time before the forensic unraveling of the last two years or so would begin to take center stage, so the latest issuance from the folks at the Association for Professionals in Infection Control & Epidemiology is surprising only to the extent that they are (more or less) the first.


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HLSC Single Subscriber

Establishing an executive protection plan

As part of that guidance, the IAHSS has issued the following statement: Enhanced security measures should be developed for the safety of individuals who may be exposed to elevated personal risk due to their employment, high-profile status, affiliations, or geographical location.

This month, we continue to build on the topic by discussing some actionable steps organization can take to protect their executives.


MEU Single Subscriber

Healthcare’s role in community outreach during COVID-19

Well over 18 months into the COVID-19 pandemic, taking stock of lessons learned and next steps can be a challenge. The industry has encountered a lot in a very compressed time frame, so focusing on specific areas of success as well as ways to improve can help highlight the positive and provide a better road map for what’s to come.


Basic Subscribers

Antimicrobial resistance is a growing but manageable crisis

More widespread antimicrobial resistance (AMR) would not only be a patient safety nightmare, but it would put healthcare workers at risk as well, including employees working in hospitals, nursing homes, and laboratories. To slow down this potential scenario, effective antibiotic stewardship programs (ASP) need to be made a priority, says Amanda Beaudoin, DVM, PhD, director of the One Health Antibiotic Stewardship Collaborative at the Minnesota Department of Health.

Master physician performance reviews

Short of terminating a physician’s employment, appraising a physician’s performance is often the responsibility that administrative and medical staff leaders hate most. For many physicians, the phrase “performance appraisals” stirs up an unsavory image of managers sitting behind large desks wagging their fingers. For the employer, performance appraisals create opportunities for physicians to become angry, and some managers have not acquired conflict management skills.

What are the hot button issues in healthcare security?

No healthcare professional needs to be reminded of the risks and elevated threats of violence during tense moments with patients and their families, especially in a pandemic.

With continuing stress on patients and staff members from all corners as we head into the new year, a sound healthcare security team remains paramount, as do good policies and procedures.