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Monday September 23 2019
Ahmad Bin Shafar participates in preparatory meetings for United Nations’ Climate Action Summit
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Top 25 MEP Contractors Rankings 2019 announced
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Top 25 MEP Contractors of 2018
DEWA MD and CEO inspects fourth phase of Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Solar Park
Top 25 MEP Contractors Rankings 2019 #12: Burak Kizilhan at AE Arma-Elektropanc
Top 25 MEP Contractors Rankings 2019 #1: AR Suresh Kumar at Voltas
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Eaton to feature at 39th edition of GITEX Technology Week
Eaton will showcase live demos of its range of products.
'DecoBuild 2019' coming to Dubai in November
Exhibition will provide entrepreneurs, contractors and construction professionals with range of options in engineering consultancy.
Plans in place to light up Sharjah
Campaign kicked off with a workshop to introduce more than 150 consultant engineers and contractors to the importance of external lighting.
Al Worood Saudi Housing Development project proceeding ‘at pace’
The build comprises some 4,775 residential villas located in Taif City, Makkah.
Water pumps bring relief during water shortage crisis.
UAE has supported Aden Water Corporation by supplying generators and pumps and maintaining water network.
MEP Engineered S01E34 | Masdar and EDF announce joint venture ESCO
Masdar and French low-carbon electricity leader EDF have put pen to paper on an agreement to establish a 50:50 joint venture energy services company.
Tom Oxtoby
Editor, MEP Middle East
Direct: +971 4 444 3419
Email: tom.oxtoby@itp.com
Tom Martin
Sales Manager, MEP Middle East
Telephone: +971 4 444 3465
Direct: +971 55 707 4830
Email: tom.martin@itp.com
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