Arduino Sand Table, 3D Pinhole Camera, Easy Hobbit Doorway
Today's Staff Picks
 AI-Driven Interactive Lab Assistant by Kutluhan Aktar in Electronics
Arduino Sand Table
 Arduino Sand Table by NewsonsElectronics 
3D Pinhole Camera
 3D Pinhole Camera by BevCanTech 
Easy Hobbit Doorway
 Easy Hobbit Doorway by runciblefish 
Parametric Jewelry Tray With Fusion 360
 Parametric Jewelry Tray With Fusion 360 by bkm3 
Networked Hardware - a Tool for Tangible Networked Interactions
 Networked Hardware - a Tool for Tangible Networked Interactions by Sebastian Morales 
CNC Wooden Domino Set
 CNC Wooden Domino Set by myagkovrostyslav1 
CNC Student Design Challenge
Automatic Kitchen Hood Activation
 Automatic Kitchen Hood Activation by perbos 
Color Memory - Woodworking & 3D Printing
 Color Memory - Woodworking & 3D Printing by seabirdhh 
Easy Cinnamon Roll Coffee Cake
 Easy Cinnamon Roll Coffee Cake by Roniru 
Simple Arduino Maze Robot
 Simple Arduino Maze Robot by mrphillipspccs 
Peltier Thermo-electric Mini-Fridge
 Peltier Thermo-electric Mini-Fridge by EthanHunt4946 
Defying Gravity Table
 Defying Gravity Table by 4d4m44 
CNC Machined Wood Clock
 CNC Machined Wood Clock by Joni‑3D 
Building a Casket - a Pine Box Tribute to My Father
 Building a Casket - a Pine Box Tribute to My Father by MessingAroundInTheGarage 
Custom Chocolate Cookies, Using Silicon, 3D Printing, Fusion 360 and Chocolate
 Custom Chocolate Cookies, Using Silicon, 3D Printing, Fusion 360 and Chocolate by jformulate 
Straight Razor From an Old Saw Blade
 Straight Razor From an Old Saw Blade by Dankozi713 
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