InformationWeek Data & Analytics
Cobots and AI; Recipe for AI Success; Tech Layoffs Update

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InformationWeek Data Analytics
December 11, 2023

Hottest Places to Find a Tech Job
How Could AI Be a Tool for Workers?
AI is already reshaping the way we work, and workers want a say in what that means for their future.

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Cobots and AI: A Natural Match?

Collaborative robots are getting smarter and more intuitive. What does this mean for their human colleagues?
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The Recipe for a Successful AI Project

It’s important to have the right ingredients when launching a successful AI project: a clear problem to solve, and data with which to solve it.
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Tech Company Layoffs: The COVID Tech Bubble Bursts

UPDATED December 11, 2023 -- As COVID drove everyone online, tech companies hired like crazy. Now we are hitting the COVID tech bust as tech giants shed jobs by the thousands. Check back regularly for updates to our IT job layoffs tracker.
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  • Innovation & Cyber Resiliency

    Morphing your IT defenses to bounce back better. Driving innovation quickly while maintaining IT resiliency and cybersecurity is no small challenge. Cloud outages, wobbly supply chains, ransomware attacks, and other steep challenges may limit your staff and budget. This session ...

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Hottest Places to Find a Tech Job
Elon Musk’s xAI: Billion-Dollar Idea or a Boondoggle?
The anti-woke AI startup filed to raise up to $1 billion, eventually, but will it have a real shot at capturing a tangible slice of the AI market? Read More
Hottest Places to Find a Tech Job
10 Hot Technology Developments Right Now
Most years, analysts have a hard time picking the hottest technology spots, but the 2023 developments almost all related to one type of technology. Can you guess what it is? Read More
Hottest Places to Find a Tech Job
Another Cyberattack on Critical Infrastructure and the Outlook on Cyberwarfare
An Iranian-backed cyber group hacked a Pennsylvania water station, and more attacks like this one are inevitable. Read More
Hottest Places to Find a Tech Job
ChatGPT Year One: The Drama & Disruption
As OpenAI's ChatGPT celebrates its first birthday, we look back at how it spurred stunning progress in generative artificial intelligence for consumers and businesses... and how it caused massive upheaval. Read More
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