Generative AI systems can still stumble on complex and specialized cases, such as those presented by banks, pharma companies, publishers, and hospitals. Some savvy companies are fine-tuning these AI models to clear higher accuracy bars than they’re able to off the shelf. Through “last-mile” training techniques, they’re feeding generative models modest amounts of their own data so the systems excel at industry-specific tasks—without breaking the bank on computing costs. “We can take these models trained on the general internet and adapt them to do things specific to your business,” says Greg Pavlik, senior vice president for AI at Oracle.
Regulators are discussing reforms to prevent future banking crises. Banks will need to shore up risk management, interest rate modeling, and economic stress-testing capabilities. The most astute are starting now.
Although there’s been some progress in access to equitable clinical research, barriers still exist. How study teams use clinical trial management systems can impact visibility into levels of representation achieved.
The supply chain touches nearly every aspect of ESG. Companies can improve supply chain sustainability by setting goals, auditing suppliers, using data and analytics to increase efficiency, and much more.