Hard Rock Enterprise Architecture VP on CX; ChatGDP Explains Itself; IT's Strategic Relevance Post-COVID

InformationWeek Leadership careers
December 14, 2022
Hottest Places to Find a Tech Job
Why the US Risks Falling Behind in AI Leadership
As artificial intelligence development gains momentum, the US risks falling behind other nations. Why is this happening, and what can be done to reverse the trend?

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That DOS Won't Hunt: Hard Rock’s Andre Gowens on Streamlining CX

Vice president of enterprise architecture discusses consolidating different digital customer experiences across Hard Rock’s properties.
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Chat GDP: Enterprises Eye Use Cases, Ethicists Remain Concerned

Everyone seems to be testing OpenAI's new AI chatbot with commands and questions. So InformationWeek asked Chat GPT to write a news story about itself. Enterprises foresee a number of use cases, but ethicists are concerned about how real the responses seem.
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Maintaining IT Strategic Relevance in a Post-Pandemic World

Challenges continue to face the IT industry. In a post-pandemic world, how can CIOs ensure that IT maintains strategic strength within their organizations?
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  • 2023 Predictions for the IT Service Desk

    As we kick off 2023, IT Leaders are challenged with increased demand and competition for resources. IT leaders are seeking improved performance of the IT Service Desk to address the business's many requests in response to these evolving needs. From increased ...

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Hottest Places to Find a Tech Job
Special Report: Privacy in the Data-Driven Enterprise
An entire week of coverage devoted to the question: How do we give privacy back to the people when customer data is now the coin of the realm and the fuel that powers business? Read More
Hottest Places to Find a Tech Job
10 Actionable Tips for Managing/Governing Data
Here is a quick look at things you can do to help govern and manage your data in the most practical sense. Read More
Hottest Places to Find a Tech Job
10 Creative Ways to Slice IT Costs
How can IT leaders cut costs when inflation spikes the price of everything? Here are some innovative ideas that might help with overstrained IT budgets -- without giving up the very things they need to operate. Read More
Hottest Places to Find a Tech Job
10 Cool International Locations for Remote Workers to Consider
If you've negotiated for permanent remote work, are you looking for cheap living, fast internet, a tropical location, and perhaps some adventure? Here are some of the top international locations US expatriates are moving to work remotely. Read More
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