In this issue, April 2, 2019 View it in your browser.

AI @LinkedIn, Gremlin Free Tier, DevSecOps, Magic Leap, Swift 5, Go, Quarkus, Rust-Generated WASM, TypeScript, Jeff Sutherland on Scrum at Scale

Over 45 speakers are confirmed for, April 15-17, 2019!

Over 95% of speakers are now confirmed. Learn from practitioners driving innovation and change in AI and machine learning from companies like Google, Facebook, Stitch Fix, PayPal, Airbnb, Slack, and more. There are only a few tickets left, register now to save your seat. Use the code infoqai19 to get an $80 discount!

Flint Brenton on the Collabnet/VersionOne Merger and Helping Customers Adopt Value Streams

In this podcast recorded at the Agile 2018 conference, Shane Hastie, Lead Editor for Culture & Methods, spoke to Flint Brenton, CEO of Collabnet/VersionOne on how the organization is integrating post the merger and supporting customers as they adopt value stream thinking. (Podcast)

TOP AI, ML & Data Engineering NEWS HEADLINES

  1. Q&A on Condé Nast's Natural Language Processor and Content Analysis

  2. Deep Learning for Speech Synthesis of Audio from Brain Activity

  3. Autonomous Analytics: Driving the Future of Data in Business Analytics

  4. Introducing TensorFlow Privacy, a New Machine Learning Library for Protecting Sensitive Data

The Impact and Ethics of Conversational Artificial Intelligence

Improvements in natural language understanding and our changing relationship means we can use chatbots in ways we couldn’t before - both to augment human conversation and support, or indeed to replace it. Those working in the software industry must understand and take responsibility for how we use Conversational AI and our users' data. (Article)

Jupyter Notebooks: Interactive Visualization Approaches

Chakri Cherukuri talks about how to understand and visualize machine learning models using interactive widgets. He introduces the widget libraries and walks through the code of a simple example to show how to assemble and link these widgets. He looks at models like regressions, clustering and finally a wizard for building and training deep learning models with diagnostic plots. (Presentation with transcript included)
The next QCon is San Francisco, April 16-17, 2019. Join us!

Fairness, Transparency, and Privacy in AI @LinkedIn

Krishnaram Kenthapadi talks about privacy breaches, algorithmic bias/discrimination issues observed in the Internet industry, regulations & laws, and techniques for achieving privacy and fairness in data-driven systems. He focuses on the application of privacy-preserving data mining and fairness-aware ML techniques in practice, by presenting case studies spanning different LinkedIn applications. (Presentation with transcript included)

See what’s new in Machine Learning including:

  • Michelangelo - Machine Learning @Uber
  • Autonomous Analytics and the Future of Data
  • Robust Interpretable NLP Systems with Attention
  • And more...


  1. Scaling Graphite at

  2. Kubernetes 1.14 Moves Windows Nodes to Production Support and Enhances Kubectl

  3. Gremlin Announces Free Tier for Their Chaos Experimentation Platform

  4. HashiCorp Vault 1.1 Adds Secret Caching and Transit Auto Unseal

  5. Windows Virtual Desktop Public Preview on Azure: Q&A with Microsoft's Scott Manchester

Sleeping Well at Night During a Live Cloud Migration in a VMware Environment

This article describes the challenges of live migration to the cloud and presents key concepts and requirements that enterprises and their service providers need to understand and adopt if they want to sleep well at night when migrating on-premises VMs and data to the cloud. (Article)

Fine-Grained Sandboxing with V8 Isolates

Kenton Varda explains how Cloudflare built a compute platform using V8 isolates instead of containers or VMs, achieving 10x-100x faster cold starts and lower memory footprints. He goes through technical details of embedding V8, distributing code, scheduling isolates, resource management, and security risks. (Presentation with transcript included)

Lessons from 300k+ Lines of Infrastructure Code

Yevgeniy Brikman shares key lessons from the “Infrastructure Cookbook” they developed at Gruntwork while creating and maintaining a library of over 300,000 lines of infrastructure code used in production by hundreds of companies. Topics include how to design infrastructure APIs, automated tests for infrastructure code, patterns for reuse and composition, refactoring, namespacing, and more. (Presentation with transcript included)

The Three Faces of DevSecOps

Guy Podjarny unravels the different stages in the evolution of DevSecOps. He separates the term into securing DevOps technologies, methodologies and shared ownership, giving concrete examples of good and bad in each. In the end, he talks about the tools we need to choose our interpretation of DevSecOps, and chooses the practices and tooling we need to support it. (Presentation with transcript included)

Cultivating Production Excellence - Taming Complex Distributed Systems

Liz Fong-Jones talks about several practices core to production excellence: giving everyone a stake in production, collaborating to ensure observability, measuring with Service Level Objectives, and prioritizing improvements using risk analysis. (Presentation with transcript included)

See what’s new in DevOps including:

  • Quarkus, a Kubernetes Native Java Framework
  • 7 steps for Improving Cloud Security with Business Integration
  • Terraform Earth - Secure Infrastructure for Developers
  • And more...


  1. Swift 5 Now Officially Available

Multi-Modal Input Design for Magic Leap

Colman Bryant talks about what types of new input modalities are coming online and how they can be used and combined in different ways to surpass existing approaches in terms of throughput, discoverability, accessibility, and prediction with stories and examples from Magic Leap's Interaction Lab. (Presentation with transcript included)

Go - A Key Language in Enterprise Application Development?

Aarti Parikh goes over the Go language design and talks about why Go matters in the age of multicores and cloud-native computing. (Presentation with transcript included)

QCon ’18 Retrospective eMag

A Collection of Lessons Learned from Netflix, Google, Uber, and others - Download Now (eMag)


  1. MicroProfile Releases Reactive Streams Operators 1.0

  2. Quarkus, a Kubernetes Native Java Framework

Building a Reliable Cloud-Based Bank in Java

Jason Maude talks about the experience of Starling Bank, a mobile-only, cloud-based bank that launched in the UK in 2017. He looks at the system architecture of the bank, the design principles that give them the ability to release quickly and reliably, and why they decided to build the back end using Java. (Presentation with transcript included)

Spring Cloud on PKS

Spencer Gibb and Mauricio Salatino discuss how Spring Cloud Kubernetes integrates with Config Maps and Secrets for providing secure configuration to Spring Boot applications. (Presentation)

How Fast is Spring?

Dave Syer attempts to show, with the help of benchmarks, that the Spring Framework is not as slow as some say, and why some apps might have a longer start time. (Presentation)

Fun with the Functional Web Framework

Arjen Poutsma discusses Spring Framework 5: Predicates, Nesting routes, Route organization, and Filtering routes. (Presentation)

Developing Great Web APIs Architectures w/ ASP.NET Core 2.1

Chris Woodruff talks about developing and integrating web APIs with ASP.NET Core, how to avoid some of the possible mistakes that can be done when developing a web API, and shares best practices and approaches to testing, mocking, and decoupling services. (Presentation with transcript included)

.NET Core Fundamentals – Download the InfoQ eMag

Explore the benefits of .NET Core and how it can benefit not only traditional .NET developers but all technologists that need to bring robust, performant and economical solutions to the market. Download Now.


  1. Babel 7.3: Smart Pipelines, Private Instance Accessors and More

  2. Pika Brings Zero-Configuration Bundling and Publishing for NPM Packages

  3. Deploying Rust-Generated WASM on Cloudfare Serverless Workers

TypeScript 3.4 Supports Incremental Builds and globalThis

The TypeScript team announces the release of TypeScript 3.4, including faster incremental builds, improvements for higher order type inference of generic functions, and support for ES.Next 'globalThis'. (News)

TOP Architecture & Design NEWS HEADLINES

  1. Q&A with Akara Sucharitakul on Squbs: Akka Streams & Akka HTTP for Large-Scale Production Deployment

Mature Microservices and How to Operate Them

Sarah Wells discusses some of the challenges for building stable, resilient services and ultimately what worked at the Financial Times. (Presentation with transcript included)

Building Cloud-Native Data-Intensive Applications with Spring

Sabby Anandan and Soby Chako discuss how Spring Cloud Stream and Kafka Streams can support Event Sourcing and CQRS patterns. (Presentation)

Google Cloud-Native Architecture with Spring Cloud GCP

Ray Tsang shows how to build a multi-regional cloud-native application with Spring on Google Cloud Platform using globally-distributed, strongly consistent, Spanner database. (Presentation)



A Reference Methodology for Integration Agility

As APIs, microservices, and serverless architectures evolve, new applications require integration across an exploding set of endpoints. This white paper outlines a meta-process for organizations to refer and become integration agile. Download Now.

TOP Culture & Methods NEWS HEADLINES

  1. Effectively Using Jira with an Overarching Vision

  2. Mashreq Bank’s Lean Agile Journey

  3. The Role of Executives and Managers in Value Stream Management: Insight from Al Shalloway

Scrum@Scale: An Interview with Agile Manifesto Co-Author and Scrum Co-Founder Jeff Sutherland

Jeff Sutherland founded Scrum@Scale to help organizations address critical scaling challenges. Leaders form an Executive Action Team and are responsible for addressing organizational impediments. (Article)

Q&A on the Book Designing the Future

The book Designing the Future by James Morgan and Jeffrey Liker shows how companies are using Lean Product and Process Development to create new products and services and become innovative. It explores how to get the most from LPPD by developing a system of people, process and the right tools at the right time. (Article)