In this issue, September 12, 2023 View it in your browser.

AI/ML Trends, OverflowAI, OpenTelemetry, AWS Lambda Go, Malignant Intelligence, Uno Platform 4.10, SSR for Web Components, Delivery Hero EDA, Duet AI, Open Source Integration

Uncover the latest practices in frontend, emerging AI and ML trends, how to become a Staff+ Engineer and more

At QCon San Francisco (Oct 2-6) learn from world-class software practitioners from Monzo, Google, Netflix, CapitalOne, UC Berkeley, NY Times & more on the most important topics you need to know about right now in an ever-changing environment. You'll leave with actionable insights you can take back to your team. Explore the speakers.


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Podcast: Frenzy vs. flow – Lessons on value-based transformations

On this episode of Catalyst, Launch by NTT DATA’s Chief Methodologist Danny Presten joins Clinton Bonner to take a look at company transformations and how to improve flow through the value stream management. Dive into the full episode to explore how you can promote a problem-solving culture.

AI, ML, and Data Engineering InfoQ Trends Report Podcast - September 2023

In this episode of the podcast we will be discussing the current trends in the domain of AI, ML and Data Engineering as part of the process of creating our annual trends report. These reports provide InfoQ readers with a high-level overview of the topics to pay attention to and also help the editorial team focus on innovative technologies. (Podcast)

AI, ML, and Data Engineering InfoQ Trends Report Article - September 2023

In this annual report, the InfoQ editors discuss the current state of AI, ML, and data engineering and what emerging trends you as a software engineer, architect, or data scientist should watch. We curate our discussions into a technology adoption curve with supporting commentary to help you understand how things are evolving. (Article)

The Two-hour Design Sprint

In this podcast Shane Hastie, Lead Editor for Culture & Methods spoke to Teresa Cain about the Two-hour Design Sprint. (Podcast)

TOP AI, ML & Data Engineering NEWS HEADLINES

  1. Google Announces Ray Support for Vertex AI to Boost Machine Learning Workflows

  2. OpenAI Introduces ChatGPT Enterprise for Business-Focus

  3. Stack Overflow Announced OverflowAI Initiative for Generative AI

  4. Google Cloud Unveils AlloyDB AI: Transforming PostgreSQL with Advanced Vector Embeddings and AI

Meta Open-Sources Code Generation LLM Code Llama

Meta recently open-sourced Code Llama, a code generation LLM which is based on the Llama 2 foundation model and carries the same community license. Code Llama was fine-tuned on 500B tokens of code and is available in three model sizes ranging up to 34B parameters. In evaluations on code-generation benchmarks, the model outperformed all other open-source models and is comparable to ChatGPT. (News)

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Designing Event-first Microservices

In this talk, we will explore the nature of events, what it means to be event-driven, and how we can unleash the power of events and commands by applying an events-first domain-driven design to microservices-based architectures. Watch On-Demand.


  1. Terraform Cloud Supports Ephemeral Workspaces in Public Beta

Effective and Efficient Observability with OpenTelemetry

Daniel Gomez Blanco shares his experience leading a large-scale observability initiative at Skyscanner, based on the adoption of OpenTelemetry across hundreds of services. (Presentation)

Taming Configuration Complexity Made Fun with CUE

Marcel van Lohuizen discusses configuration at scale including the design of CUE, how configuration can go wrong, the need for testing and validation, how CUE does holistic configuration. (Presentation)

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[Webinar] Maximize Your Google Cloud Cost Savings

Join the experts from DoiT as they walk you through some of the biggest opportunities for cloud savings. Register today.


  1. Cross-Cloud Network: Google Introduces Platform to Connect Applications Across Clouds

  2. Direct VPC Egress for Cloud Run in Preview

  3. Intra-Account Collection Copy in Azure Cosmos DB for MongoDB in Public Preview

  4. Google Expands Duet AI in Google Cloud for App Development, DevOps, and More

AWS Lambda Deprecates Go Runtime

AWS Lambda is deprecating the go1.x runtime, announcing support for Go exclusively in the Amazon Linux 2 runtime. The announcement and the need to migrate by the end of the year to the custom provided.al2 runtime raised concerns in the Go community. (News)


  1. Level-up on Emerging Software Trends: QCon London Software Development Conference, April 8-10, 2024

  2. 6 Tracks Not to Miss at QCon San Francisco, October 2-6, 2023: ML, Architecture, Resilience & More!

Malignant Intelligence?

Alasdair Allen discusses the potentially ethical dilemmas, new security concerns, and open questions about the future of software development in the era of machine learning. (Presentation)

Java News Roundup: Single Query Loading, GraalVM, GlassFish, JReleaser, Quarkus, Micronaut

This week's Java roundup for August 28th, 2023, features news from OpenJDK, JDK 22, JDK 21, GraalVM Native Build Tools 0.9.25, Single Query Loading in Spring JDBC, Quarkus 3.3.1, 3.2.5.Final and 2.16.10.Final, Micronaut 4.1.0 and 4.0.6, Wildfly 29.0.1, Hibernate ORM 6.3.0 and 6.2.8, Hibernate Reactive 2.0.5, GlassFish 7.0.8, Eclipse Vert.x 4.4.5, JKube 1.14.0, JReleaser 1.8.0 and OpenXava 7.1.5. (News)


  1. Uno Platform 4.10: MAUI Embedding, Hot Restart and Lightweight Styling

  2. Rider 2023.2 with C# Updates, UX/UI Enhancements and AI Assistant

  3. Visual Studio for Mac Retirement Officially Announced

Building Kafka Event-Driven Applications with KafkaFlow

KafkaFlow, a .NET open-source project, simplifies Kafka-based event-driven app development with features like middleware for message processing, enhancing maintainability, customization potential, and allowing developers to prioritize business logic. (Article)

Enhance: SSR for Web Components

Brian LeRoux discusses Enhance, a way to build web apps with the pure web standards. (Presentation)

TOP Architecture & Design NEWS HEADLINES

  1. Duet AI Integration for Google Apigee API Management and Application Integration

Delivery Hero Implements Event-Driven Architecture to Handle Baemin Growth

Baemin, a South Korean food delivery service owned by Delivery Hero, successfully navigated the challenges of rapid customer member growth by moving from a monolithic architecture to a more flexible event-driven microservices-based system. (News)

Navigating Open Source Integration through a DevOps Lens

Taking a DevOps perspective on open source can help to incorporate an OSS project into your environment. DevOps engineers are comfortable with using third-party integrations, and they align with the open source mindset of breaking down barriers between different groups and promoting teamwork. (News)

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