October 14, 2023
Dear Valued Reader,

It's been a horrible week for the real world, so I'm hiding in my little land of investing -- what might you have missed in the pages of Gumshoe this week?  

I started us off with a deep dive into artificial intelligence on Monday -- all 25 of the AI stocks that the newsletters have teased this year, all in one place, just click below for that one...

Ever since the launch of ChatGPT, A.I. has been generating an exceptional amount of hype.  But can A.I. help you grow wealth in retirement? In short: yes.  Though, not in the way you probably think… For the first time, our breakthrough A.I. stock forecasting system (what we call An-E, short for Analytical Engine) can sort through millions of data points in real time, making hyper-accurate stock price predictions. Incredibly, we’ve barely scratched the surface of A.I.’s full wealth-building potential… To learn more and see how to access An-E’s next trades, click here now. 


We got a "next Chevron" tease from Personal Finance this week -- they're hoping for another 3,204% winner with this one.

And we also updated our look at Marc Lichtenfeld's "10,000% Dividend" stock, which is an oil royalty company.

Doc G stopped by to give me the heebie-jeebies about tick-borne diseases. 

And, as usual, the Irregulars enjoyed another missive from yours truly on Friday... this week, it's another teaser solution in the "oil income" neighborhood, as well as some udpates on my Real Money Portfolio performance, thoughts about risk, and more... just click below for all of that...

Stock Gumshoe | travis@stockgumshoe.com | www.stockgumshoe.com
351 Pleasant St., Suite B #205, Northampton, MA 01060
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