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Indiana University School of Medicine researchers and their collaborators have uncovered molecular insights expected to enhance treatment options for acute myeloid leukemia (AML), a rare and severe blood and bone marrow cancer. With a new chemical compound engineered to overcome drug-resistant gene mutations not targeted by current treatments, the researchers aim to provide a new alternative with longer-lasting effects and improve outcomes for future patients battling this aggressive disease.

When a cell spreads out or changes its shape to adapt to its environment, the transport rate of proteins between the nucleus and cytoplasm changes. Previously, scientists assumed this change was caused by a shift in the size of the nuclear envelope's pores; however, recent research findings have discovered an alternate explanation.

Patients with gestational diabetes show different disease progressions and therefore require personalized treatment measures. An international research team led by MedUni Vienna has now identified three subgroups of the disease with different treatment needs. The results of the study, recently published in the journal Diabetologia, could improve our understanding of gestational diabetes and significantly advance the development of personalized treatment concepts.

A new study finds that a doubling of the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere could cause an increase in the average temperature of earth from 7 to as much as 14 degrees. These findings, published in Nature Communications, represent a temperature rise that is much larger than previously estimated.

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