DevOps Talent; Get Serious About Privacy; When Lawyers Call; and More...

InformationWeek Leadership careers
October 03, 2018
10 Ways AI Will Alter the Future of Work
No matter what industry you're in, artificial intelligence is likely to affect your job. Here's how.

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DevOps Hiring: Look for the Right Mindset

Manager hiring DevOps talent are shifting their focus from demanding specific technical skills to specific tools to how a candidate thinks and works.
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Prepare for the New Normal of Data Privacy

In a post-GDPR world, IT and business leaders face unprecedented pressure to demonstrate they are responsible data stewards. Here are six steps that might help.
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How to Retain Your Best IT Workers

Here are some proven techniques you can use to keep your most valuable team members on board and energized.
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Why It's Time IT Gets a Seat at the Table

The growing importance and complexity of IT mean that the CIO needs a seat at the table when it comes to driving innovation.
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Why IT Should Care About Legal Holds

When it's time to preserve company data and communications relating to pending legal matters, the IT and legal groups have to work together.
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Effective Cyber Risk Assessment
Hear as top experts explain how to quantify the risks cyber threats pose to your organization, empow...
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The Unstoppable Progression of Object Storage
New developments in gateways, plugins, and more, offer far more value to users of object storage tha...
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Hottest Places to Find a Tech Job
Blockchain: 5 Use Cases for the Enterprise
Everybody talks about blockchain, but is anybody really doing it? Here's a look at five use cases across industries. Read More
10 Highest-Paying IT Job Skills
Adding one of these capabilities to your resume might lead to a salary increase. Read More
10 Roadblocks to Becoming a Data-Driven Enterprise
Nearly 100% of enterprises want to become more data-driven, but less than a third have accomplished that goal. Read More
The Next Generation of IT Support
The workforce is changing as businesses become global and technology erodes geographical and physical barriers.IT organizations are critical to enabling this transition and can utilize next-generation tools and strategies to provide world-class support regardless of location, platform or device Read More
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