In this issue, October 2, 2018 View it in your browser.

AI, Servant Leadership, Netflix Keystone, Spring 5.1, Java 11, WebAssembly, Swift 5, Chaos Engineering, Scaling Autonomy at Zalando, Scrum The Toyota Way

“Architectures You've Always Wondered About”, “DevOps Patterns & Practices”, “Machine Learning in Practice”, “Tech Ethics: Where We Are and Where We're Going” are just some of the proposed tracks for QCon London 2019. Take a look at all the tracks here. Register before Oct 27th and save up to £580!



10 Essential Skills of a Site Reliability Engineer (SRE).

Although performance and reliability are top priorities, IT Ops teams struggle to keep up with the complexity and scale of modern applications. Enter the rise of the SRE. Download the eBook now to see the top 10 skills and qualities you should expect from an SRE. Download now.

The Morning Paper Issue 8 - AI Edition

Welcome to this AI-themed edition of The Morning Paper Quarterly. We've selected five paper write-ups which first appeared on The Morning Paper blog over the last year. (Emag)

Bernie Maloney on Servant Leadership and Bringing out Human Potential

In this podcast Shane Hastie, Lead Editor for Culture & Methods, spoke to Bernie Maloney of Persistent Systems about servant leadership and bringing out human potential. (Podcast)

TOP AI, ML & Data Engineering NEWS HEADLINES

  1. Netflix Keystone Real-Time Stream Processing Platform

Fast Log Analysis by Automatically Parsing Heterogeneous Log

Biplob Debnath and William Dennis present a solution inspired by the unsupervised machine learning techniques for automatically generating regular expressions (RegEx) rules from a set of logs with no (or minimal) human involvement. They also demo how to integrate the solution with the popular Elasticsearch-Logstash-Kibana (ELK) stack to analyze logs collected from the real-world applications. (Presentation)
The next QCon is QCon San Francisco, November 5-7, 2018. Join us!

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  1. Google Releases New Code Search in Beta in Revamped Cloud Source Repositories

  2. Facebook Open Sources LogDevice - a Distributed Data Store for Log Storage

Amazon Announces AWS Storage Gateway Hardware Appliance

Amazon has announced their AWS Storage Gateway hardware appliance, which provides hybrid storage between on-premises applications and AWS’ storage services. By providing a hardware appliance, Amazon gives a preconfigured solution to cache data locally while synchronizing with the cloud. (News)

See what’s new in DevOps on InfoQ, including:

  • The 2018 InfoQ Editors’ Recommended Reading List
  • The Benefits, Challenges and Practices of Chaos Engineering
  • Serverless Platforms Compared for Performance
  • And more...

The 2018 InfoQ Editors’ Recommended Reading List: Part One

As part of our core values of sharing knowledge, the InfoQ editor team has listed and commented on their most recent recommended reading. (Article)

Meet Me in the Astrocade: Peace, Love, and 8-Bit Hardware Hacking

Rachel Simone Weil discusses the value of the occasional retreat to work on niche, obsolete electronics, sharing her experience hacking decades-old hardware such as the Astrocade and NES. (Presentation)

Real-Time, Fine-Grained Version Control with CRDTs

Nathan Sobo covers the foundations of CRDTs, then explores how Github is using them in Eon to synchronize and persist changes to a repository at the granularity of individual keystrokes. (Presentation)
The next QCon is QCon San Francisco, November 5-7, 2018. Join us!

Git Gud with Property-Based Testing

Katie Cleary describes her experience in applying Property-based Testing to the code in order to exercise functions but also in using it for testing at the integration level. Cleary used both methods as a way to find casting and overflow bugs in PolySync’s Open Source Car Control (OSCC) project. (Presentation)
The next QCon is QCon San Francisco, November 5-7, 2018. Join us!


  1. A New Era for GlassFish

  2. Payara Foundation Releases Payara Server and Payara Micro 5.183 Featuring MicroProfile 2.0 Support

  3. Spring Release Versions 3.0.4 and 2.4.3 of Spring Web Services

  4. Spring Framework 5.1 Ships with Java 11 Support

  5. Java 11 Released

Explore the New Java 10 “var” Type: An Introduction and Hands-on Tutorial

Learn about the new Java 10 "var" type, and experiment using JShell with this hands-on tutorial on how to reduce boilerplate code using new type inference for local variables. (Article)



Hands-On AI with Java for Beginners from Packt.

  • Build intelligent apps using Java libraries
  • Implement easy to complex AI tasks practically
Use code ORIQP09 to get this eBook for $9 only.
Offer valid till Oct 10, 2018.

Get Func-y: Understanding Delegates in .NET

Jeremy Clark discusses what delegates are, detailing Func and Action delegate types, and showing how to use them to make classes more flexible. (Presentation)

TOP Dynamic Languages NEWS HEADLINES

  1. Next.js 7 Released with 40% Faster Builds

  2. Webhint Open Source Linting Tool for Detecting Issues with Accessibility, Performance, and Security

AutoCAD & WebAssembly: Moving a 30 Year Code Base to the Web

Kevin Cheung presents a practical guide to getting legacy code to work on the web using AutoCAD as the example with the Emscripten compiler and WebAssembly. (Presentation)
The next QCon is QCon San Francisco, November 5-7, 2018. Join us!


  1. Swift 5 Enters Latest Development Stage to Release

Alexa Smart Home Skills Gain Flexibility with New API

The latest update to Amazon Smart Home Skill API, available as a preview, introduces new capabilities that can be used as building blocks to model device settings or features. Additionally, Smart Home skills have gained greater flexibility by enabling the use of custom intents. (News)

TOP Architecture & Design NEWS HEADLINES

  1. Russ Miles: Ignored Architects and Chaos Engineering

  2. Axon Conference Panel: Why Should We Use Microservices?

  3. Basic Concepts and the Future of Axon, a CQRS and Event Sourcing Framework

  4. Implementing Privacy by Design in Hyperledger Indy

Modeling Uncertainty with Reactive DDD

Vaughn Vernon has written several books on DDD and reactive messaging patterns, and has found that the nature of distributed systems means you must deal with uncertainty. How to respond to a missing message, or a message that is received twice, should be a business decision, and therefore must be part of the domain model. (Article)

Challenges & Solutions for a Blockchain-Powered Future

Eran Eyal talks about how the advent of blockchain technology promises a new era of more equitably distributed market power, and the top three challenges startups and traditional businesses face when adopting blockchain as their founding infrastructure. He also talks about the challenges of building a visual A.I. for a distributed web. (Presentation)
The next QCon is QCon San Francisco, November 5-7, 2018. Join us!

A Microservice Approach in the Boundaries of a Traditional Enterprise Environment

Sebastian Eggers discusses Microservice Blueprint, a well-documented and working reference implementation for a Java-based microservice/API development project. (Presentation)

Be the one that brings innovation to your team

Get your monthly guide to all the topics, technologies and techniques that every professional or aspiring software architect needs to know about. Recent topics include serverless, chaos engineering and event-driven design.

See what’s new in Architecture & Design on InfoQ, including:

  • Modeling Uncertainty with Reactive DDD
  • Design Consideration of Keystone: Netflix’s Real-Time Stream Processing Platform
  • Russ Miles: Ignored Architects and Chaos Engineering
  • And more...

TOP Culture & Methods NEWS HEADLINES

  1. Lessons from the UK Government's Digital Transformation Journey

Scaling Autonomy at Zalando

Autonomy isn't something you can just give to a team, it’s something that teams learn and earn over time. It has to come with accountability to amplify working towards a purpose. At Zalando, creating the right architecture and organizational structure reduced the amount of alignment needed and freed up the energy to be more thorough where alignment is needed. (Article)

Scrum The Toyota Way

Toyota Connected uses Scrum combined with the Toyota Production System to deliver Lean Production, enabling teams to deliver rapid PDCA cycles. Scrum of Scrums, Meta Scrum, and the chief product owner, are some of the approaches used to scale Scrum for multiple teams and products. Agility is not the goal. It’s a result, an outcome. (Article)

Author Q&A Continuous Digital and Project Myopia

Allan Kelly has recently released two complimentary books which address ways of working in modern digital businesses. “Continuous Digital” addresses the way organisations need to structure themselves when “every business is a digital business”. "Project Myopia" explores more of the underlying theory of #NoProjects and explains why the continuous culture is so important. (Article)

Better Value Sooner, Safer, Happier

Jon Smart discusses the Agile endeavor at Barclay, practicing continuous improvement centered around outcomes and value. (Presentation)

Is It SAFe to Scale? A Neutral Survey of the Lean-Agile Scaling Landscape

Jon Terry discusses some of the difficulties enterprises encounter adopting Agile along with some of the techniques like SAFe, DAD, LeSS, and Spotify. (Presentation)

How to Build a Good Product

Steve Worswick discusses the design decisions underlying the chatbot Mitsuku that allow her to stay good despite the constant efforts of the ethics hackers that took out Microsoft's Tay. (Presentation)