June 18, 2023
Dear Valued Reader,

Another week, another run on dreams of lucre... this time we've got promises of wealth from tiny AI stocks, weight loss drugs, the US-China semiconductor fight, and something called the "next great American super stock."  Miss any of that?  Let's catch you up...

We started out with that "ultimate weight loss drug" -- you've no doubt heard all the stories about the celebrities who are using this stuff, but click below to see where the money is...

Then it was on to the ""#1 Mission-Critical Chip Stock Poised to Gain +525% Within the Next 22 Months" teased by Kareem Rahemtulla... answers here.

Alex Green pitched the "Next Great American Super Stock" pretty hard this week, too -- it's all about a "niche medical market" and the Thinkolator was on the case.

Finally, after doing almost nothing but AI stocks the week before, we got to yet another promise about the "No. 1 AI Stock of 2023", this time from Jason Williams -- not a surprise stock for the Gumshoe crowd, but you can make your call on whether it's worthwhile.  

And I closed things out with the Friday File for my favorite people -- this week, I've been thinking a lot about valuation in general, starting with the “why don’t you own Apple” question that I get just about every week. That leads me into what I think the probable outlook for Apple is, and how that compares with past valuation peaks for other popular stocks (like Coca Cola in 1998), and that leads me into musing about the valuation of a couple very different stocks I’ve recently bought... just click below for that...

Stock Gumshoe | travis@stockgumshoe.com | www.stockgumshoe.com
351 Pleasant St., Suite B #205, Northampton, MA 01060
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