NWC Update
Network Computing
July 15, 2023
AI Workloads Spur Competition in Networking Chips
Cisco announced the Silicon One G200 and G202 networking chips that support AI / ML workloads. How are Broadcom, NVIDIA, and others keeping up?

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The Internet of Moving Things: How to Deploy IoT on the Move
The Internet of moving things presents a different set of network building and orchestration conditions and challenges compared to stationary IoT.
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Resolving Patchwork Systems for Smoother Operations
To resolve the issues related to patchwork systems, companies must consider consolidating and migrating data to streamline operations.
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Eliminating Downtime with Internet Contingency Planning
By taking a proactive approach to contingency planning, enterprises can minimize downtime and reduce its impact on operations.
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What to Consider When Choosing a SASE Vendor
SASE technology can be quite complex. There are a wide range of SASE vendors available. Find out what to consider when choosing the best SASE vendors. Read More
IPv6 Adoption: China Steps on the Deployment Pedal
A new initiative from the Central Cyberspace Administration of China and others aims for 750 million active IPv6 users by year-end and sets a 2024 cut-off date for IPv4. Read More
Private 5G Networks: The Key to Unlocking Industry 4.0
The time is now for manufacturers looking to invest in future smart factories and reap the benefits of private 5G. Read More
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