Plus, Kansas prepares to vote on abortion, and more…
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July 27, 2022
AIPAC’s Aggressive Spending Is Bad for the Democratic Party—and Democracy Itself
This election cycle will go down as the one in which the right-wing Israel lobby did something it always swore it would never do: make Israel a partisan political football.
by Jeremy Ben-Ami
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The Hollywood-friendly church says its “religious arbitration” system—rather than civil courts—should apply to ex-members who say they were sexually assaulted by actor Danny Masterson. It hopes the Supreme Court agrees.
by Matt Ford
Anti-abortion activists are betting on low voter turnout and the amendment’s confusing wording to secure a future ban on abortion.
by Grace Segers
Grant Township has become the poster child for democracy and home rule. Its own state is fighting against it.
by Colin Jerolmack
As chains such as CVS and Walgreens try to protect themselves from criminal penalties over abortion bans, their staff are left confused and patients with chronic illnesses struggle to access treatment.
by Laura Weiss
The authoritarian demagogue, who is lagging in polls ahead of October’s election, has been laying the groundwork for a threat to democracy that could make January 6 look tame.
by Andre Pagliarini


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