In this issue, June 11, 2019 View it in your browser.

Airbnb Search, LinkedIn's People You May Know, Chaos Community Day, Apache Dubbo, EF Core 3, React App Load Time, ARKit, SwiftUI, RSocket

Registration is open for the 14th edition of QCon London!

QCon London 2020 takes place between March 2nd-6th. With over 140 talks in 18 different tracks, it allows you to discover emerging trends and tools and validate your software roadmap. Save £725 if you register before Aug 17th!



Choosing an Industrial USB Hub – Key Things to Consider

The new generation of managed USB hubs redefines how users run tests on real devices. Crank up your operational efficiency by up to 500%. Monitor, control and charge devices reliably and safely. Learn more.

Lee Cunningham on the 13th State of Agile Report

In this podcast,Shane Hastie, Lead Editor for Culture & Methods, spoke to Lee Cunningham about the latest State of Agile report, recently released by Collabnet/VersionOne. (Podcast)

TOP AI, ML & Data Engineering NEWS HEADLINES

  1. Google Uses Mannequin Challenge Videos to Learn Depth Perception

  2. Amazon Managed Kafka Aims to Simplify Kafka Streaming Setup and Use

Applying Deep Learning to Airbnb Search

Malay Haldar discusses the work done in applying neural networks at Airbnb to improve the search beyond the results obtained with ML. (Presentation with transcript included)

People You May Know: Fast Recommendations over Massive Data

Sumit Rangwala and Felix GV present the evolution of PYMK’s (People You May Know) architecture, focusing on Gaia, a real-time graph computing capability and Venice, an online feature store with scoring capability. (Presentation with transcript included)

Ludwig: A Code-Free Deep Learning Toolbox

Piero Molino introduces Ludwig, a deep learning toolbox that allows to train models and to use them for prediction without the need to write code. (Presentation with transcript included)

Deep Learning on Microcontrollers

Pete Warden discusses why Deep Learning is a great fit for tiny, cheap devices, what can be built with it, and how to get started. (Presentation with transcript included)


  1. Migrating from Self-Managed Kubernetes to AWS EKS Using Terraform at Blue Matador

  2. Summary of Chaos Community Day v4.0: Resilience, Observability, and Gamedays

  3. Percona XtraDB and MongDB Operators for Kubernetes

Choosing Kubernetes: Managing Risk in Cloud Infrastructure

Ben Butler-Cole tells the story of how Neo4j’s system developed, both the product and the implementation, in terms of the decisions they made about how to manage risk. He talks about their use of Kubernetes as a foundation for their stateful service: why they chose it and how they handled the risks associated with that choice. (Presentation with transcript included)
The next QCon is QCon New York, June 24-26, 2019. Join us!

The InfoQ eMag: DevSecOps in Practice

With this eMag, we present you expert security advice on how to effectively integrate security practices and processes in the software delivery lifecycle, so that everyone from development to security and operations understands and contributes to the overall security of the applications and infrastructure. Download Now.



Distributed Tracing: A Guide for Microservices

Learn about the power that tracing offers to debug and explore your code in production. This guide introduces you to tracing, its history, how to think about it, and how to add traces to your instrumentation. Download Now.

Upcoming MacOS Catalina to Ditch Bash in Favour of Zsh

At WWDC 2019, its official developer conference, Apple announced a number of new products, including the upcoming version of its desktop OS, dubbed macOS Catalina, which is going to replace the default command line shell bash with zsh for all newly created accounts. (News)


  1. Apache Dubbo, a Java-Based RPC Framework Graduates to Top-Level Project

  2. New Renaissance Performance Benchmark Aims to Compare JVMs

Orchestrating Robot Swarms with Java

Matthew Cornford looks at the evolution of Ocado’s automated warehouses and highlights how Java has helped them overcome a number of challenges. He focuses on their latest generation of highly automated warehouses and looks into Java’s role for orchestrating huge swarms of robots for superior efficiencies of scale. He explores some of the benefits and challenges the use of Java has presented. (Presentation with transcript included)



Chaos Engineering: Breaking Your Systems for Fun and Profit

Learn the basics of Chaos Engineering: discover the tools, tests, and culture needed to create better software and prevent outages and downtime. Download Now.


  1. Unclear Plans for Server-Side WCF Continues to Frustrate .NET Developers

40 Breaking Changes in EF Core 3

In an attempt to correct many perceived deficiencies in Entity Framework Core, Microsoft is introducing 40 breaking changes to EF Core 3. (News)


  1. Microsoft Showcases Fluid Framework, a Web-Based Platform for Collaborative Document Creation

How We Reduced Our React App’s Load Time by 60%

React handles UI updates efficiently but it does not magically make your web app faster. As our application grew in size, we started noticing some drawbacks of our setup. Although we knew how React worked and how Redux manages state, our application had bloated in size. We started seeing application crashes and jank. It was time to drive down the technical debt and make performance improvements! (Article)


  1. ARKit 3 Brings People Occlusion, Motion Capture, and More

Apple Announces Declarative SwiftUI Framework for Leaner, Faster, Interactive App Development

Apple recently announced at WWDC 2019 the SwiftUI framework for application development across the iOS, macOS, tvOS, and watchOS platforms. SwiftUI relies on a declarative UI programming paradigm, aiming to drastically increase developer productivity and reduce lines of code. Moreover, SwiftUI features an XCode interactive development experience, displaying in real-time the result of their code. (News)

Correctness vs Change: Which Matters More?

In ongoing software development, our core work is changing code. Jessica Kerr argues that by building changeable software on top of existing, well-understood components, and by improving delivery automations, teams will get better at their core work of delivering value and "changing reality". (Article)

RSocket: Solving Real-World Architectural Challenges

Ondrej Lehecka of Facebook, Robert Roeser of Netifi and Andy Shi of Alibaba explain the use cases for RSocket within their companies, as well as how it can be used by enterprises to simplify the way they build and operate cloud-native applications. (Presentation with transcript included)

Scaling Erlang Cluster to 10,000 Nodes

Maxim Fedorov demonstrates an example of a live Erlang cluster being scaled from just a few nodes to 10,000 machines with no service interruption. (Presentation)



Building Modern Microservices with Micronaut

Inspired by Spring and Grails, Micronaut is a JVM framework for building scalable applications in Java, Groovy or Kotlin. Download this guide and learn how to build fast, lightweight microservices and serverless apps with the Micronaut Framework. Download Now.

TOP Culture & Methods NEWS HEADLINES

  1. Adapting Risk-Based Testing to Agile Teams: Think about Testing before Coding

Q&A on the Book Mastering Collaboration

The book Mastering Collaboration by Gretchen Anderson provides techniques and exercises that can be used to improve collaboration in teams and between teams and their environment. It explores topics like enlisting people, teamworking, trust, and respect, generating ideas collectively, decision making, and transparent communication. (Article)

Why Should We Care about Technology Ethics? The Updated ACM Code of Ethics

The 2018 rewrite of the ACM code of ethics and professional conduct has brought it up-to-date with new technologies and societal demands. This code supports the ethical conduct of computing professionals through a set of guidelines for positively working in the tech industry. (Article)

US Marines, Agile and Heuristics

Peter Pito explores how to create a set of heuristics underpinned by Agile principles and practices that can be used to create a delivery foundation. (Presentation)

Five Ways to Boost Automation Effectiveness

Nikolaj Tolkačiov discusses test data, maintenance less implementation, locator injections, test scripts developing environment, effective and scalable Gherkin implementation, and much more. (Presentation)


Markus Wissekal discusses various ways to manage and visualize flow in Kanban. (Presentation)

Continuous Reteaming: Adopt Self-Selection and Start Moving People to the Work!

Julien Lavigne du Cadet discusses how he initially led a team of ~20 people from a static structure to something a lot more dynamic where reteaming happens quarterly. (Presentation)

Attack of the Monorepos

Rupert Redington introduces monorepos, exploring some of the available tooling and then illustrates the changes their team experienced adopting them. (Presentation)

Agile around The World

David Spinks and Glaudia Califano discuss cultural differences and share case studies and their observations of Agile adoption on several continents. (Presentation)

Multiple Selves?! Growing Leaders Applied

Cosima Laube focuses on language, identity and awareness, guiding on how to identify and strengthen personal leadership abilities and develop best possible self/selves. (Presentation)