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free press action fund

Make a gift of $10 or more — in FCC Chairman Pai’s name — and help us take down his Net Neutrality-killing scheme.


Our #1 priority this summer is to defeat Pai’s plan to destroy Net Neutrality.

Are you with us? Good. Because the clock is ticking and we need to show the FCC that people across the country want the open internet to stay that way. We’re working 24/7 to support activists who are getting out into their communities and demanding that the FCC stop prioritizing industry profits over people’s needs.

From the way Pai’s aiming to hand over the internet to the big broadband providers, you’d never know he no longer works for Verizon — or that the public overwhelmingly supports real Net Neutrality.

Remind Chairman Pai that he works for people now, not Verizon: Donate $10 in Pai’s name to support the fight for real Net Neutrality.

Nearly 12 million public comments — a new record — have been submitted to the FCC in response to the agency’s Net Neutrality-killing scheme. But Pai says that doesn’t matter. When a reporter asked whether he should take into account the number of people who want to preserve the rules, Pai responded, “[T]he raw number is not as important as the substantive comments that are in the record.”1

Pai says he’s looking for evidence that the FCC’s Net Neutrality rules haven’t harmed investment. Free Press’ exhaustive research using the companies’ own data shows that investment and broadband speeds have actually increased since the FCC voted for strong rules. In fact, since the Net Neutrality rules went into effect, no ISPs have even suggested to their shareholders that they’ve decreased their investment in any concrete way.2

Apparently it’s easier for Pai to turn a blind eye to the facts than to face the truth — and he definitely doesn’t want to admit that millions of activists like you won’t stop fighting until we win.

Make a gift of $10 in Pai’s name and help him face the facts: It’s Title II Net Neutrality or bust.

In the weeks ahead, we need to get bigger and louder and bolder — and not let up for a second until we win. With your help, we’ll organize millions more people to bombard the FCC with pro-Net Neutrality comments, get the word out to friends and family, and hold members of Congress accountable for preserving the open internet.

We don’t take a cent from business, government or political parties, so your generosity is essential to our success.

Thanks for all that you do—

Carrie, Candace, Collette and the rest of the Free Press Action Fund team

P.S. Pai says he wants to take a “weed whacker” to the FCC’s Net Neutrality rules. Donate $10 or more to Free Press Action Fund in Pai’s name — and help us whack back. Thank you!

1. “Ajit Pai Not Concerned About Number of Pro-Net Neutrality Comments,” Ars Technica, July 14, 2017:

2. “It's Working: Free Press Documents Historic Levels of Investment and Innovation Since FCC's 2015 Open Internet Order”, May 15, 2017:

The Free Press Action Fund is a nonpartisan organization fighting for your rights to connect and communicate. The Free Press Action Fund does not support or oppose any candidate for public office. Learn more at

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