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Wednesday, October 11, 2017
Top Stories

Al Shirawi FM wins 118 Luxury Tower contract

Company adds to its existing reputation of managing Dubai's affluent real estate spaces

Farnek to hire 500 security personnel in Abu Dhabi by 2020

TFM firm launches new headquarters in UAE capital to act as base for over 1,000 employees

G4S set to launch new B2C service

Company bullish on its plans to build reputation as an integrated facilities management company

New legislation to help bolster security personnel motivation

Implementation of the new basic minimum wage rule by the Security Industry Regulatory Agency welcomed by companies offering security services

Dubai now targets zero food waste with new campaign

Municipality appeals Dubai's residents to play their part in curbing food wastage ahead of the World Food Day

DM evacuates 1,000 people in less than four minutes during fire drill

Health and Safety Department's evacuation drill in Deira’s busy area carried out in coordination with other municipality departments

Imdaad commissions biofuel station in Jebel Ali

Lootah Biofuels chosen as supplier, Tarkhees will conduct routine inspections and maintenance

ECC General Maintenance adding new clients

ECC GM has more than 1,000 employees who work to offer both hard and soft FM services

DM campaign on improving ventilation in 643 food outlets

Dubai Municipality has carried out a campaign to improve the ventilation in 643 food outlets in the emirate

Features & Interviews

New legislation to help bolster security personnel motivation

Implementation of the new basic minimum wage rule by the Security Industry Regulatory Agency welcomed by companies offering security services

Top innovative and smart building products

A look at some of the innovative and smart building products

Water desalination plant to be awarded in Oman

Oman Power and Water Procurement Company (OPWP) will award an independent seawater desalination project in Sharqiyah in October 2017.


Comment: Are tenants getting their due?

Oft times property management firms and leasing agents handover apartments in questionable condition, tenants need to be more vigilant during the snag period

Development of down town (Phase 2)
Supply of electrical materials for Ihsaa schools


Video: What to expect from the Best of FM Expo 2017
In Pictures: FM Expo 2017 Day 3
In Pictures: FM Expo 2017 Day 2
In Pictures: FM Expo 2017 Day 1

Special Reports

High-access cleaning needs attention from design stage, experts
Otis's Jamaraat Bridge installation completes 10 years
Cloud is taking over elevator maintenance

magazine cover image COVER STORY
Face to Face: Khaled Al Huraimel, group CEO, Bee’ah
Riad Raad
Advertising Director, B2B Digital
Direct: +971 4 444 3319
GSM: +971 50 702 2970
Vinay Ravindran
Sales Manager
Direct: +971 4 444 3155
GSM: +971 55 810 1197
Nikhil Pereira
Deputy Editor, Facilities Management Middle East
+971 4 444 3426
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