TODAY'S TOP STORIES - December 13, 2017

Why Can't Alabama Republicans Admit Doug Jones Won Fair and Square?

By Steven Rosenfeld, AlterNet

A top election official insists Roy Moore is entitled to a recount. The law says otherwise. READ MORE»

Robert Reich: Alabama Could Be the Beginning of the End of America's National Nightmare

By Robert Reich,

Trump and his ilk have just been delivered their most powerful repudiation to date. READ MORE»

Doug Jones Wouldn't Have Stood a Chance Without the Support of Black Women

By Marie Solis, Newsweek

An incredible 98 percent cast their ballots for the Democratic candidate. READ MORE»

Wall Street Journal Editorial Board Sticks a Giant Fork in Steve Bannon

By Brad Reed, Raw Story

The silverware is out for Trump's former adviser after Roy Moore's stunning defeat. READ MORE»

Omarosa Manigault Resigns Amid Reports of a Scene at the White House

By Brad Reed, Raw Story

The reality TV star was a major surrogate for Trump during the 2016 election. READ MORE»

3 Noxious Myths About the Poor That Republicans Are Using to Slash the Social Safety Net

By Michele Gilman, The Conversation

How can Chuck Grassley and Orrin Hatch look at themselves in the mirror? READ MORE»

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