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Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Featured Content

Alabama to allow more collaborative practice agreements

The Alabama Board of Medical Examiners & Medical Licensure Commission will now allow physicians to hold collaborative/supervisory practice agreements with up to nine advanced practice professionals (APP). Previously, physicians were limited to four full time equivalents (FTE) of these practitioners (e.g., certified nurse midwives, certified registered nurse assistants, and physician assistants).

Recognize a fellow MSP!

Is there a member of your team that you're especially grateful for this year? We want to know! Email CRC editor Karen Kondilis at kkondilis@hcpro.com with their name, organization, email address, and a few sentences about what makes them such a great MSP and team member. Your nominated MSP could be featured in an upcoming issue of our Credentialing Resource Center Digest! To see an example of our latest MSP shout-out, click here.


CRC Member Exclusive

Physician burnout reaches new heights during COVID-19 pandemic

While the world still deals with the effect of COVID-19, there are many other problems that require our attention now lest they spiral out of control—from climate change to mental health. One problem that has been building up for a long time is burnout among healthcare workers. Medicine has always been a high-stress job, but burnout rates have climbed over the last few years.

Print your newsletter content

Want to take your newsletter content on the go? Don't forget to print out individual articles or a PDF of the full issue of Credentialing Resource Center Journal and Medical Staff Briefings. For individual articles, simply click on the printer icon and you'll be directed to a PDF version of it that you can print out or save. Or wait until the end of each month and you will be notified that the full issue of each newsletter is available. When viewing that month’s issue, simply click on the “PRINT FULL ISSUE” link at the top of the article listing and you’ll be directed to a PDF version.

To get started, here are links to this month's newsletters:




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Contact Us

Karen Kondilis
Managing Editor
Credentialing Resource Center

35 Village Road, Suite 200
Middleton, MA 01949

For advertising and marketing opportunities with the Credentialing Resource Center, please email rcardoso@simplifycompliance.com.



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