Felix Silva, a student at the University of Texas Rio Grande Valley (UTRGV), recognizes the contradictions of his hometown of Reynosa, Mexico.

"It's a beautiful place, but a lot of bad things happen."

Reynosa is just a few miles away from his school's campus in Edinburg, Texas, and Silva returns home to be with his parents every weekend. This short journey is fraught with the usual rigmarole of border processing, but on the Mexico side, it's also fraught with the threat of drug cartel violence. Reynosa ranks among the most dangerous cities in Mexico -- and indeed the world.

Silva, 21, describes shootouts he's seen -- one in front of a bus station, another from his car as he waited at an intersection. Asked whether he's ever had a face-to-face encounter with someone from the cartels, Silva looks down at the ground. "Only once. It was a really bad experience."

Ministry in a lonely generation
Millennials may be less devoted to the institutions of faith than previous generations have been. They're also lonely -- and that is a place of ministry.
Student apartments bring new life to innovative campus ministry
A combination church, campus ministry and seven-story apartment building, Pres House is a bustling hub of activity, a "home away from home" for students at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
Reconciliation on campus
InterVarsity Christian Fellowship is a rare model of a large institution that has woven racial reconciliation into its DNA, despite the fact that trying to achieve this goal can be messy and discouraging.
Challenges Facing Church Security in the 21st Century
A Church Network Webinar
May 9, 2019 at 2:30 p.m. EDT

The 21st century has presented several challenges in many different areas including the reality and the need of church security. Many houses of worship and leaders have experienced a multitude of issues starting and maintaining a professional and efficient security and safety team. This training course will highlight some of these issues and offer simple, applicable solutions to them for maximum effectiveness concerning security issues. Topics covered in this webinar include:
  • The danger of denial
  • Lack of support from the house of worship leadership
  • Lack of Resources (Human and Financial)
  • Selecting the right people for your security team ministry
  • Balancing the spiritual and the tactical factor of security in houses of worship
  • The necessity of training and education
  • The importance of partnerships
Participants will gain important information on how to avoid and/or navigate through these challenges. 

College is a time to learn, explore, and grow, but what does faith have to do with it? In this collection of essays, gifted writers in their twenties and early thirties reflect on their college years by telling stories-some hilarious, some heart-wrenching-on the intersection of faith and college. 

At a time when so much is written 
about young adults but not by young adults, this collection allows writers to reveal their college experience in their own voice, sharing, through reflection on their own joys and sorrows, unique insight into students' experience of college. Themes include negotiating identity, sex and sexuality, discerning the future, studying abroad, and transitions in faith. 

This collection includes stories from large public universities and small, faith-related colleges. Perfect for faith leaders, college administrators, study groups, young adults, and anyone who loves a college student, 
Kissing in the Chapel, Praying in the Frat House reveals college struggles that help us reflect on faith and life in college, and forever.

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