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Get the answers right from your pocket with this easy-to-use reference guide 
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Looking for instructor-led training for you or your team? Printed manuals and resources? Conferences for networking? We have them all, AND MORE!


 Take a look at all our healthcare resources in our Healthcare Solutions Catalog! Organized by market, this all-encompassing catalog showcases the variety of products we have to help you do your job better.




Including resources for Acute Care, Home Health,
and Medical Practice
, we have learning
resources to fit all your needs:

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On-the-go printed resources! Books, pocket references, newsletters and more!

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Instructor-led training!
Our boot camps offer learning live in-classroom, virtually or online at your own pace.

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Excited to get back to in-person learning? HCPro is back with conferences to enhance your education and peer interaction.

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Online portals to take your information, references, and news with you wherever you go!

Download the catalog now and receive a code for 20% off any book or subscription in the catalog!*