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And more...

Alpro Planquet
This year, Alpro is creating a feast for the senses at Isle of Wight Festival with the Alpro Planquet. Sample plant-based goodness and immerse yourself in the world of Alpro through a whole range of ingredients! Find out more. Find out more.
Bathing Under the Sky
Bathing Under the Sky - Last few sessions available.
Relax and re-energise in Bathing under the Sky's unique wood-fired outdoor spa returning for another amazing year on the island. Enjoy the gentle breeze on your face, the restoring warmth of the waters and the gentle crackle of the fire while you chat, sip bubbly and chill. Find out more.
Aussie Music Box
Aussie Music Box
Stop by the Music Box, Aussie’s #IOW50 pop up. It’s an oasis to recover for the over-partied with chill out vibes from the best in new music, rejuvenating juices and of course it’s the perfect place to re-jooozh your festival ‘do #MusicToYourHair. Find out more.
Jolly Green Sherpas
Jolly Green Sherpas
Gone are the days of struggling with luggage from the car park to the campsite at music festivals - the Jolly Green Sherpas are once again coming to Isle of Wight Festival to transport your luggage for you!
No need to pre-book - just look out for them in the car parks on arrival.

Weekend Tickets Sold Out

Limited Day Tickets Available

50th Anniversary Isle of Wight Festival
21st-24th June 2018


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