Getting comfortable communicating agent value | 6 reasons you should be using Reddit | Ad industry awaits Google's proposed user-choice prompt
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July 30, 2024
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In most service-oriented industries, professionals typically have to prove themselves before customers sign on. Brokers can help agents explain their value so that it is understood by the customer.
Full Story: REALTOR® Magazine (7/17) 
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3-Step Buyer Presentation Strategy for a Signed Buyer Rep. Agreement
Buyer Rep. Agreements are becoming crucial, and we've got you covered. Our guide walks you through each step, making it easy to show your value, set expectations, and navigate agreements effortlessly. Get ahead of the curve in the ever-changing world of real estate with this essential guide. Download Now.
Best Practices in Sales & Marketing
Marketers are missing a trick by not being active on Reddit, from reaching its 270 million active weekly users to interacting with its highly-engaged communities, writes Boathouse's Geoff Gates. The platform is renowned for its opinionated audiences, making it an ideal channel to glean industry-specific insights and feedback, Gates advises.
Full Story: SmartBrief/Marketing (7/30) 
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Adtech companies and online publishers are monitoring the wording and timing of Google's user choice prompt as it drops its proposal to eliminate cookies from the Chrome browser. Apple's 2021 "Ask App Not to Track" language could be a model for Google's prompt, and Matt Prohaska, CEO of Prohaska Consulting, says publishers are facing "a lot of frustration about time, money, energy spent creating something for a new world that now is going to be different again."
Full Story: The Wall Street Journal (7/28) 
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Real Estate Trends
There's no one-size-fits-all solution to make multigenerational living work. Families and builders are working to meet the needs with creative, flexible solutions.
Full Story: REALTOR® Magazine (7/16) 
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The number of U.S. cities where a typical starter home costs $1 million or more has jumped to 237, nearly tripling since 2019, according to a Zillow report. However, the average price for a starter home nationwide is much lower, at $196,611, according to Zillow.
Full Story: USA Today (7/29),  Quartz (7/26) 
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Interior designers predict that stripes will remain a popular and timeless pattern in home decor due to their versatility and historical significance. Stripes can adapt to various styles, make spaces appear larger and add visual interest, making them a perennial favorite in both fashion and interior design.
Full Story: Better Homes and Gardens (7/29) 
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Technology & Innovations
AI is revolutionizing proptech by enhancing building operations, design and space planning. Property managers see this technology as transformative, as assets are viewed as platforms for digital services.
Full Story: Buildings magazine online (7/29) 
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Fair & Equitable Housing
Bill would allocate hundreds of billions to housing
Warren (Bloomberg/Getty Images)
Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., has introduced the American Housing and Economic Mobility Act, proposing to spend half a trillion dollars to create several million housing units nationwide. The bill aims to lower housing costs by 10% and save families about $140 a month, funding the initiative by revising the federal estate tax on the wealthiest.
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Legislation & Regulation
Getting the existing-home market back in balance is a delicate task.
Full Story: REALTOR® Magazine (7/17) 
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