
93.5% Win Rate On 60+ Trade Alerts

Today I want to show you how our research shows you could’ve grown a $25,000 account into $109,616.12 within the last TWO months.

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*Stated results are from hypothetical options applied to real published trades from 10/30/23 - 12/26/23. The result was a 93.5% win rate, an average return of 13.7% including winners and losers and average hold time of less than 24 hours. Performance is not indicative of future results. Trade at your own risk and never risk more than you can afford to lose.

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Commodities & Stocks: A New Era of Correlation?

Weekly Market Overview

Hi Traders,

Remember how commodities could usually balance out your stock market swings? Looks like the rules of the game are changing. Historically, stocks and commodities have often moved in opposite directions, offering a valuable hedge for your portfolio. But lately, these two asset classes have been marching to the same beat, and that has big implications for all of us.

A New Correlation

For decades, analysts observed a mostly negative correlation between stocks and commodities. Yet, since the 2008 financial crisis, the story has been very different. This once-solid diversification strategy appears to be losing its edge. What gives?

Some point to the meteoric rise of mega-cap tech giants pushing the market to new highs. At the same time, central banks have been flooding the market with money, and geopolitical jitters (especially in the Middle East) have sent gold and other precious metals to record-breaking levels.

Should You Be Worried?

Not necessarily. One analyst we spoke with offered this perspective: "Despite the current correlation between stocks and commodities, we still see value in holding a diverse basket of commodities. The focus here is on long-term stability and reduced portfolio risk."

Others bring up the idea of 'commodity supercycles.' These long periods (we're talking decades) see commodity groups trending in unison. The last major bear supercycle started right around the financial crisis – not coincidentally, this is when we saw the stock-commodity correlation start to shift.

What's the Takeaway?

The old "rules of thumb" about commodities hedging your stock bets might need an update. Don't throw out your commodities just yet, but it's time for a careful re-evaluation. It's a brave new world for investors, but keeping yourself informed is half the battle.

- The Team at Altos Trading

In the next article: Apple's reputation as an innovator is on the line as the AI revolution unfolds, and its usual acquisition strategy may not be enough to keep up.



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Apple's Acquisition Imperative: The Clock is Ticking on AI

Apple's standard line when it comes to acquisitions has always been carefully worded: "Apple buys smaller technology companies from time to time, and we generally do not discuss our purpose or plans."

It's an enigmatic statement, hinting at ambitious projects while revealing very little. With the rare exception of anomalies such as the Beats acquisition, Apple's typical approach is to integrate smaller, less conspicuous companies into its larger strategic vision.

But what happens when the technology landscape itself undergoes a seismic shift? That's precisely the situation Apple finds itself in with the meteoric rise of generative AI.

This technology stands poised to disrupt industries, reshape business models, and alter the competitive balance of power among tech giants. Apple is shockingly out of step with the rapid developments occurring in this crucial space.

While its major rivals, like Microsoft, Google, Meta, and Amazon, have taken significant strides in developing and deploying AI products, Apple remains worryingly absent. To secure its place as an AI superpower, the time has come for Apple to acquire, not merely tinker.

Building a cutting-edge large language model in-house would be an agonizing, time-consuming climb, especially in light of OpenAI's impending release of GPT 5.0.

The company known for the mantra "Think Different" must do just that - buy its way into the AI market by acquiring a substantial company with an established product.

Fortunately, numerous viable targets exist – Anthropic, Cohere, and Mistral stand out in the realm of language models, while Runway holds immense promise on the video generation front.

Consider the competitive edge Apple might possess had it secured Inflection AI and its team of talent, including cofounder Mustafa Suleyman, instead of watching them join forces with Microsoft.

While the prospect of antitrust scrutiny lingers, Apple could easily justify such a move by highlighting the abundance of heavyweight players in the AI arena, including the usual suspects: Microsoft, Google, Meta, Amazon, and Adobe. With such deep competition, Apple's entry would likely benefit consumers in the long run.

Financially, Apple certainly has the resources to pursue such an acquisition. With a staggering amount of cash reserves and its tendency toward generous shareholder buybacks and dividends, critics and analysts alike are baffled by Apple's reluctance to invest more boldly in the AI revolution.

Of course, Tim Cook has promised the unveiling of a generative AI product from Apple this year, likely targeted for their global developer conference in June. If this move is the masterstroke that catapults Apple from behind-the-scenes player to industry leader, history will applaud Cook's strategic brilliance.

However, should Apple fail to deliver a truly disruptive product on schedule, the urgent need for a significant acquisition only intensifies. The longer Apple delays decisive action, the greater the risk of falling hopelessly behind in the high-stakes race to master the immense potential of artificial intelligence.

If Apple wants to reclaim its mantle of innovation, its future may very well hinge on a single, audacious acquisition in the generative AI market.


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The Altos Trading Alert Newsletter is published as an information service for subscribers, and it includes opinions as to buying, selling and holding various stocks and other securities. However, the publishers of the Altos Trading Alert Newsletter are not brokers or investment advisers, and do not provide investment advice or recommendations directed to any particular subscriber or in view of the particular circumstances of any particular person. Altos Trading, including its owner, does not participate in any trades issued through the alert services. Subscribers to Altos Trading or any other persons who buy, sell or hold securities should do so with caution and consult with a broker or investment adviser before doing so.

Trading securities and options involves risk. Prior to buying or selling an option, an investor must receive a copy of Characteristics and Risks of Standardized Options. Investors need a broker to trade securities and options, and must meet suitability requirements. Past results are not necessarily indicative of future performance. Performance figures are based on actual recommendations. Due to the time critical nature of trading, brokerage fees, and the activity of other subscribers, there is no guarantee that subscribers will mirror the performance of the service. Performance numbers shown are based on trades subscribers could enter based on the trade alerts. Altos Trading, LLC assumes no responsibility for any losses incurred by any individual or entity as a result of trade alerts or strategies taught through courses or coaching services.

7154 W State Street
Suite 169

Boise Idaho 83714


The Altos Trading Alert Newsletter is published as an information service for subscribers, and it includes opinions as to buying, selling and holding various stocks and other securities. However, the publishers of the Altos Trading Alert Newsletter are not brokers or investment advisers, and do not provide investment advice or recommendations directed to any particular subscriber or in view of the particular circumstances of any particular person. Altos Trading, including its owner, does not participate in any trades issued through the alert services. Subscribers to Altos Trading or any other persons who buy, sell or hold securities should do so with caution and consult with a broker or investment adviser before doing so.

Trading securities and options involves risk. Prior to buying or selling an option, an investor must receive a copy of Characteristics and Risks of Standardized Options. Investors need a broker to trade securities and options, and must meet suitability requirements. Past results are not necessarily indicative of future performance. Performance figures are based on actual recommendations. Due to the time critical nature of trading, brokerage fees, and the activity of other subscribers, there is no guarantee that subscribers will mirror the performance of the service. Performance numbers shown are based on trades subscribers could enter based on the trade alerts. Altos Trading, LLC assumes no responsibility for any losses incurred by any individual or entity as a result of trade alerts or strategies taught through courses or coaching services.

7154 W State Street
Suite 169
Boise Idaho 83714

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