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1 spoonful a day stuns oncologists

Why am I getting this?
[Alzheimer’s bombshell]
Revive brain cells in as little as 90 minutes
Experts have always pointed to a gradual death of brain cells as one of the hallmarks of Alzheimer’s disease. But shocking new research shows that those neurons may not actually be dead at all.
In fact, they can be resurrected—with just one simple, natural compound.
This discovery left researchers dumbfounded at this year’s Alzheimer’s Association International Conference in London.
Even more amazing?
Studies show it starts working in as little as 90 minutes. And even severe cases of Alzheimer’s can be completely reversed.
So if you or a loved one is facing this devastating diagnosis, please, watch this exclusive video now.

Bright lights and bedtime don't mix
Dear Reader,

On the heels of yesterday's discussion about the mass sleep deprivation that's plaguing America's children, I thought I'd bring this week full-circle by expounding on a piece of advice I offered to parents yesterday.

You must shut off bright lights at bedtime. And if you're wondering why, there's a recent study you'll be interested in hearing about.

As part of this experiment, researchers enrolled 10 healthy preschoolers between the ages of three and five in a week-long sleep protocol. Over the first five days, the kids were put on a strict bedtime schedule to normalize their circadian rhythms and ensure consistent nightly increases in melatonin—the hormone that tells your body it's time to go to sleep.

On the sixth day, the research team created a dim-light environment in each child's home—blacking out windows and using low-wattage bulbs—to ensure equal light exposure for each subject. This was critical because darkness triggers melatonin release.

The team took regular saliva samples to measure the kids' melatonin levels. And on the next evening, after a period spent in controlled darkness, they sat the children down at a light table—with the lux equivalent of a bright room—to play for one hour.

The researchers took melatonin samples again. And they found that bright light exposure lowered melatonin levels by 88 percent. And this suppression continued for an hour, or more, even after the light was turned off.

Obviously, this isn't a large study. But it's important because while research has shown that bright lights at bedtime impact adult sleep, there is very little out there about the effect it has on young children.

What we do know is that light appears to have an even more powerful effect on melatonin in children—partly due to the structural differences of young eyes, like larger pupils and more transparent lenses. (Similar studies on adults have shown that light stimulus 10 times brighter suppressed melatonin levels by only 39 percent. A vast difference, that's for sure.)

So if tablets, TVs, and other common sources of pre-bedtime light make it harder for you to get to sleep, you can imagine what it's doing to your child... And unfortunately, that's not all a dip in melatonin may be doing. In fact, sleep disturbances are just the tip of the iceberg where melatonin is concerned. This hormone also plays a role in regulating blood pressure and glucose metabolism. And that's just for starters.

The bottom line: When bedtime rolls around, lights out should mean just that—lights out.

I discuss more about how melatonin levels affect your overall health and also offer up drug-free solutions for a deeper, more refreshing sleep night after night in my Perfect Sleep Protocol. You can find out more about this online learning tool or enroll today by clicking here.

The 5-word question you need
to ask your oncologist
Sharon Kelly was 87 when doctors diagnosed her terminal stomach cancer…
They told her it was far too advanced for chemo, radiation or even surgery…
But Sharon knew to ask the simple, 5-word question described in this video…
And three years later her “incurable” cancer was 100% gone.
If you or a loved one are suffering from any type of cancer then this one simple request of your oncologist could save your life.
Want to learn the life-saving, 5-word question that Sharon and so many others are now demanding of their oncologists?
Find out here now.


On Today's Show: What’s your goal?

As you begin your weight loss journey, I’d love to hear from you! Email us at The paperback edition will be officially released in early May. Exclusive A-Listers can pre-order a copy at or ask a major book retailer near you.


And in the meantime, here's what else I talked about this week in the Reality Health Check:

[Like Heaven!] Sleep secret unwinds your body and mind
Have you ever soaked in a hot bath, relaxed in a steaming sauna, or even better, actually stepped into a hot spring? Then you know how heavenly your body feels once you’re done. But when Japanese researchers wanted to know WHY these hot temperatures could soothe your body into a deep, restful sleep they were led to a stunning sleep secret that can replicate a hot spring’s relaxing effects! This natural sleep wonder is wildly different from anything you’ve ever tried. Instead of “sedating” your body—it releases the very same sensation of stepping into a steamy hot spring. Night after glorious night.

The sad truth about one in three cancer deaths
I hate to be a "Debbie Downer" as we all round our way into another cookout season. But I just came across yet another research paper showing that one in three cancer deaths could be prevented with lifestyle changes alone. So you know what? Let's talk about this. Again...

What men should consider before getting a prostate biopsy
Prostate cancer has become a confusing diagnosis in recent years. The medical community is desperate to treat it like a malignant emergency, when for many years, it was largely considered a fairly benign side effect of getting older. That's why I wanted to share these latest findings with you today...

Why sleep is the most important homework
I have no idea what we think we are doing for our children. But it's time we take a step back and consider exactly what kind of impact all the technology, emphasis on success, and other pressures aimed at making them little adults is really having. Because all of this life clutter is causing them to have adult-sized problems, too—lack of sleep being one of them...

“Hopeless” Alzheimer’s patients revived in as little as 90 minutes
This is the biggest medical discovery—and scandal—on record. Studies show a single, natural compound can resurrect brain cells and bring hopeless Alzheimer’s patients back to life in as little as 90 minutes. But researchers flat out admitted they have NO INTENTION of releasing this life-saving information to the public. You’ll find the sickening quote at the 10:42 mark of this video exposé. This underground footage—with all the leaked details about this life-saving therapy—is bound to “disappear” when Big Pharma gets wind of it. So please, if you or a loved one is battling Alzheimer’s watch this video now, while you still can.

Until next time,

Dr. Fred


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