May 2, 2020
Dear Valued Reader,

It's official now, April was the best month for the stock market in at least 20 years -- the Nasdaq had a better month in the Summer of 2000, and those were certainly wild days, but for the broader market indices you have to go back to 1987, just before I turned 18 (no, I didn't care at all about investing at the time -- I was a lazy teenager, not a green-eyeshade prodigy).  Doesn't really feel like it's been a great month, though, does it?  Well, as we ride the emotions of crashes and bubbles, your friends at Stock Gumshoe are here to help explain the crazy stories we're being pitched from newsletterdom... so what'd you miss this week?
The most popular article on the week, and the most discussed, was about Jeff Brown's "FDA Fast Track" pitch for what he thinks will be a $6.8 billion miracle antibiotic -- miss that one?  Just click below to...

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We started out the week with a visit to the Canadian Fools, who were pitching a "triple down" stock that they like, 1/100th the size of Google and poised to bring fortunes raining down upon us... so what is it?  Thinkolator results here.

After that it was on to George Gilder, a real blast from the past -- he's got a pricey new subscription to sell, and in return he's promising a bunch of "15G stocks" (3X better than 5G... get it?)... our piece about that one is here.

Then it was on to the great dream among biotech investors:  The cure for Alzheimer's (sure, it would be even better for society... but imagine how much moola that would bring in?)... Dave Lashmet at Stansberry hinted at one stock that has the "first and best drugs" for this dreaded disease, we look at (and try to solve) that tease here.

I also shared a bonus Friday teaser solution this week -- since gold is on the lips of so many pitchmen today, what's up with those "Gold Placements" being touted by E.B. Tucker?  It's a story about warrants, which are always fun, so just click here for my thoughts on that one.

Finally, the Friday File came out for the Irregulars (when?  You guessed it, it was Friday!)  This week I look at some quarterly updates on a bunch of larger Real Money Portfolio holdings, some of which are looking really appealing here. I also dig much deeper into insurance stocks following Markel’s (MKL) update, had some of my concerns eased about another large holding that's wrapped up in COVID-19's impact on hospitals,and updated you on two partial sales for some profit taking... full details if you click below...

Stock Gumshoe | travis@stockgumshoe.com | www.stockgumshoe.com
351 Pleasant St., Suite B #205, Northampton, MA 01060
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