Exclusive inside look into the fight against Cairns youth crime through the eyes of Task Force Guardian officers who speak candidly about frustration of the job, the hopelessness of their targets and the sad reality of an emerging criminal generation.
View in browser 1st June 2024
AM Edition
‘It’s our generation’: Cairns kids lost to a dangerous criminal carousel
Exclusive inside look into the fight against Cairns youth crime through the eyes of Task Force Guardian officers who speak candidly about frustration of the job, the hopelessness o...
‘Total white elephant’: Cassowaries locked out of $40m overpass
TMR has addressed concerns relating to the structural integrity of a recently completed $40m Cassowary Coast fauna crossing which was completed in March but remains fenced off to w...
Cairns African Festival to get the groove going this weekend
Get ready to groove to the beat of the drums as the Cairns African Festival takes over the Cairns Esplanade on Saturday.
Man ‘unintentionally’ shot at by police on new charges
The Millstream man who was “unintentionally” shot at by police has been charged with fraud after allegedly being caught with four illegally obtained bank cards.
Stand down: Premier’s message as mayor admits misleading voters
Premier Steven Miles has called for Townsville Mayor Troy Thompson to stand down after he revealed on national television that he misled voters about his education, business nous a...
Shock twist in police officer’s rape trial
The case for the police officer who is accused of “drinking heavily” at a Cairns hotel before raping a woman, has taken a surprising turn.
Join the ‘Palmy Army’ on World Parrot Day to save Cape icon
Laying one egg every two years and a parrot housing crisis have led to the decline of the endangered palm cockatoo. How you can help the Cape York species recover.