A whooping cough outbreak in Cairns has hit a record number of cases, already six times the yearly average, causing health experts to issue a warning.
View in browser 2nd June 2024
AM Edition
Whooping cough outbreak hits record cases
A whooping cough outbreak in Cairns has hit a record number of cases, already six times the yearly average, causing health experts to issue a warning.
Watch replays: Segeyaro, Herd tear toothless Tigers apart in FNQRL
While all eyes were out the back on Josh Dugan, it was another former NRL player who was pulling the wool over the Tigers eyes as the Knights cracked 50. Watch the REPLAYS from the...
Man medevaced to hospital after snake bite
A man has been flown to Cairns Hospital in a serious condition after being bitten by a snake.
‘It’s our generation’: Cairns kids lost to a dangerous criminal carousel
Exclusive inside look into the fight against Cairns youth crime through the eyes of Task Force Guardian officers who speak candidly about frustration of the job, the hopelessness o...
‘Total white elephant’: Cassowaries locked out of $40m overpass
TMR has addressed concerns relating to the structural integrity of a recently completed $40m Cassowary Coast fauna crossing which was completed in March but remains fenced off to w...
Watch replays: ’Animal’ feasts in world title fight on huge Explosive Fight Night
A hometown hardman has come out swinging to win a world title, while a couple of young fighters exploded onto the national fight stage. Watch every exciting bout from the Explosive...
Bargain hunters rejoice! Vinnies half-off sale is here
Second hand shoppers should get down to their local Vinnies store, with one more day of amazing offers to go. Here’s what you can get your hands on.