Amazon delivers 1.5B holiday packages, JPMorgan buys travel rewards company, Coinbase suspends XRP trading



December 29, 2020

Real-Time Payments Tracker

Control Vs. Convenience Shapes Debate As FIs Adopt Faster Payments

Small financial institutions (FIs) that directly integrate with real time payments (RTP) must do more work than counterparts that turn to third parties for RTP access. But the initial investment is worth the cost, says Jesse Honigberg, technology chief of staff at Cross River. In the Real-Time Payments Report, Honigberg explains how direct integrations give banks the control needed to launch new, creative RTP-powered experiences.



Holiday 2020 Retail Sales

Mastercard’s Sadove Says The Resilient Consumer Saved Holiday 2020

It was a season of big wins and big losses, as detailed in Mastercard’s Holiday Spending Pulse report. Steve Sadove, the company’s special retail adviser (and former Saks Fifth Avenue CEO), tells Karen Webster that retail investment in digital-first technology was a key factor in saving Holiday 2020.



Fighting Fraud

Geolocation Puts A Pin In Anti-Fraud Solutions

Recent legislation is calling out the continuing problems with fraud and money laundering. But Trevor Wingert, a senior KYC and anti-fraud solutions consultant for GeoGuard, tells PYMNTS that the banking and payments industries continue to be slow adapting to the challenges presented by bad actors.




Virtual Account Numbers Facilitate International Digital Banking

Digital banking gets points for its customization capabilities. Lilia Metodieva, managing director at Monneo, tells PYMNTS that virtual international account numbers (IBANs) can help with that customization — as well as with scale. 



Podcast: B2B Payments 

CFOs Navigate Season Of B2B Payments Change

Moving paper-based AP and AR workflows can seem like an overwhelmingly arduous task, but it doesn’t have to be, Nvoicepay President Josh Cyphers tells PYMNTS. He explains how CFOs can work with FinTechs to shift digital, securely and efficiently — and be positioned for continued B2B payment changes ahead. 



Next-Gen Debit Tracker

Machine Learning Supercharges Banks’ Efforts To Fight Debit Fraud

Eighty-six percent of consumers shopping online are targets of debit-card schemes and other forms of fraud, and these growing threats are pushing banks to rethink the tools in their fraud-fighting arsenals. In the Next-Gen Debit Tracker, People’s United Bank executives Karen Boyer and Frank Wheelahan discuss how pairing rules-based analysis with machine-learning tools can help banks shore up their defenses as they battle debit fraud.




What's Hot

SEC’s Ripple Lawsuit Prompts Coinbase To Suspend XRP Trading

Amazon Delivers Record-Breaking 1.5 Billion Holiday 2020 Packages

JP Morgan Bets On Travel Rebound With cxLoyalty's Rewards Buy

US House OKs $2,000 Stimulus Checks, Sends Bill To Senate

Chinese Tech Firms Shed $200B As Alibaba Probe Scares Investors

FinCEN Warns Banks About COVID-19 Vaccine Scams, Cyberattacks

Russia’s Central Bank: Digital Money Could Render SWIFT Obsolete

Grab’s Co-Founder Seeks Lifetime CEO Post In Gojek Union

Return Season Already Hitting Retailers Hard

Bitcoin Daily: Singapore Lender Vauld Nets $2 Million To Expand To Full Crypto Bank; SEC Freezes Assets Of Virgil Capital In Alleged Fraud In Crypto Trading Fund; Japan's SBI Holdings Claims Ripple's XRP Is Crypto, Not A Security

Best Of Yesterday 

52 Mondays 2020: The Year Of Speed, Scale And Seismic Shifts in Payments

Banking Customers Take The Digital Leap With Cross-Channel Outreach

MercadoCredito Cracks The Code On Lending To The Un- And Underbanked In Brazil


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