In this issue, September 21, 2021 View it in your browser.

Amazon EKS Anywhere, Ballerina Language, Uber's User Simulation, Travis CI Vulnerability, Java 17 LTS, Parcel 2, API Design-First, ZippyDB, Sprint 0

Do you want to accelerate your journey on the cloud and avoid key pitfalls along the way?

The cloud poses unique challenges but if leveraged effectively cloud capabilities provide significant benefits. Attend The Cloud Operating Model QCon Plus track this November and learn from web-scale cloud infrastructure practitioners like Coburn Watson, Tejas Chopra, and Molly Junck. Find out more.



New Ways To Think About Process Automation - Your Transformation Starts Tomorrow!

Learn over 30 ways to improve your Process Automation journey in just two days. CamundaCon starts in less than 24 hours - register now.

The InfoQ eMag - Modern Data Engineering: Pipeline, APIs, and Storage

In this second edition of the Modern Data Engineering eMag, we’ll explore the ways in which data engineering has changed in the last few years. Data engineering has now become key to the success of products and companies. And new requirements breed new solutions. (eMag)

Tammy Bryant Butow on SRE Apprentices

In this episode, Thomas Betts speaks with Tammy Bryant Butow, principal SRE at Gremlin about training new site reliability engineers. The discussion covers a formal SRE Apprenticeship program Butow led at DropBox, and gets into ideas about the best way to teach people new technical skills. (Podcast)

TOP AI, ML & Data Engineering NEWS HEADLINES

  1. Amazon Announces Alexa Prize SocialBot Grand Challenge 4 Winners

Tesla Introduces D1 Dojo Chip to Train AI Models

Tesla introduced the Tesla D1, a new chip designed specifically for artificial intelligence that is capable of delivering a power of 362 TFLOPs in BF16 / CFP8. (News)


Cockroach Labs

But seriously, why call it 'CockroachDB'?

Download Oreilly's definitive guide to CockroachDB and distributed data at scale. Download Book.


  1. Microsoft Releases Zone-Redundant Storage for Azure Disk Storage into General Availability

  2. AWS Releases Amazon EKS Anywhere into General Availability

  3. AWS Renames Amazon Elasticsearch Service to Amazon OpenSearch Service

  4. Announcing General Availability of CIS Service Catalog and Reference Architecture 2.0

  5. Cloud Providers Publish Ransomware Mitigation Strategies

Ballerina Swan Lake: 10 Compelling Language Characteristics for Cloud Native Programming

The Ballerina language has come a long way with significant improvements since the 1.0 release in 2019. The latest Swan Lake release further simplifies building and deploying cloud native apps. (Article)

User Simulation for Rapid Outage Mitigation

Carissa Blossom walks through the monitoring service that Uber developed to identify issues in production at the individual city level all across the globe. (Presentation with transcript included)
Find out what should be on your radar from world-class domain experts. Discover emerging software trends and innovations. Book your spot at QCon Plus November 2021.


Red Hat

Learn Kubernetes using Red Hat Developer Sandbox for OpenShift

Learn and experiment with K8s on the Red Hat Developer Sandbox for Openshift. This activity takes you through the creation of an application using plain Kubernetes. Learn More.

Travis CI Vulnerability Potentially Leaked Customer Secrets

Popular continuous integration and delivery service Travis CI disclosed a vulnerability that potentially leaked secure environment variables, including signing keys, access credentials, and API tokens. The flaw was quickly fixed on September 10, but the developer community found Travis CI handling of this issue insufficient. (News)



DevOps Loop at VMworld | October 4, 2021

How do core DevOps principles apply in the world of multi-cloud and Kubernetes? What does a “modern” DevOps culture look like? Join us as we sort it all out during DevOps Loop at VMworld on Oct 4. It’s online, it’s free, and packed with some of the best minds in the industry. Register today.


  1. Asserting JDK Flight Recorder Events with JfrUnit

  2. Java News Roundup: Jakarta EE 10 Core Profile, OpenJDK, Open Liberty, Payara, Groovy and Quarkus

Java 17, the Next Long-Term Support Release, is Now Available

Oracle has released version 17 of the Java programming language and virtual machine. As the first long-term support release since JDK 11 in 2018, the final feature set includes 14 JEPs. Two of these, JEP 403 and JEP 411, generated some concerns within the Java community. (News)



Sept 22: Everything (we think) you need to know about distributed tracing

Distributed tracing and structured event telemetry can be both incredibly valuable and incredibly costly. To control the ROI, we must sample the telemetry data – but how? Join this 30-minute live webinar for an insightful conversation about distributed tracing with Lightstep co-founder Ben Sigleman. Details and registration.

Parcel 2: Rust-Based 10x Faster JavaScript Compiler, Modular Configuration, Differential Bundling

The team behind the zero-config bundler Parcel recently announced the first Parcel 2 release candidate. Parcel 2 is a ground up rewrite of Parcel that has been two years in the making. Parcel’s new JavaScript compiler is written in Rust and boasts 10x build performance improvement. Parcel 2 is fully extensible, supports automatic differential bundling, and much more. (News)

TOP Architecture & Design NEWS HEADLINES

  1. API Design-First Using the "Align-Define-Design-Refine" Process

ZippyDB: the Architecture of Facebook’s Strongly Consistent Key-Value Store

Facebook Engineering recently published how it built its general-purpose key-value store, known as ZippyDB. ZippyDB is Facebook's biggest key-value store, which has been in production for more than six years. It offers flexibility to applications in terms of tunable durability, consistency, availability, and latency guarantees. (News)



Web Application Security (By O’Reilly)

In this ebook you will learn about common vulnerabilities plaguing today's web applications, how to deploy mitigations to protect your applications against hackers, and gain practical tips to help you improve the overall security of your web applications. Download now.

TOP Culture & Methods NEWS HEADLINES

  1. How a Test Strategy Helped to Increase Deployment Maturity and Product Quality

Resetting a Struggling Scrum Team Using Sprint 0

Sprint 0 can be a great mechanism in Agile transformations to reset existing teams which are not delivering value, exhibiting a lack of accountability, or struggling with direct collaboration with customers. This article shares the experiences from doing a Sprint 0 with an existing team which was struggling to deliver, helping them to align to a new product vision and become a stronger team. (Article)



Evidence-Based Management (EBM) by

EBM is a framework organizations can use to help them measure, manage, and increase the value they derive from their product delivery. Learn more about how EBM can help you measure value in the EBM Guide here.

Essential Soft Skills for IT leaders in a Remote World

Leading teams is always challenging, especially when your team is remote. It requires more effort and more skills to be developed. This article describes the skills needed if you would like to become not just a good team leader, but a great one. To start, here are three essential soft skills: be vulnerable and authentic, build a collaborative and safe environment, and provide candid feedback. (Article)


Latest White Papers

Encryption is Not Enough – The Need for Zero Trust in Cloud Data Security

Authentication Survival Guide



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