In this issue, September 27, 2022 View it in your browser.

Amazon Lex, Terraform 1.3, Debugging Dockerfiles, Azure Space, KubeEdge, Java 19, Java Virtual Threads, .NET MAUI, Luxon, Serverless Lock-in, DevOps at Schneider, Staff Engineer Role

QCon San Francisco early-bird extension. This is your last chance to save!

Due to popular demand, we’re pleased to announce QCon has extended its early bird tickets and is holding ticket prices for QCon San Francisco 2022 for an extra week. Grab your tickets before our final early bird and save $150 until 3 October. Book now!



Build Serverless Apps with Google Cloud Run [Free O'Reilly Book]

Stop babysitting servers. Start building serverless apps. Learn the basics of Google Cloud Run in this free, hands-on guide from O'Reilly. Download now.

InfoQ Technology Adoption Survey 2022

We have a small favour to ask. The InfoQ team would like to better understand which technologies and software products are currently on your radar. Your responses will help us create more topically relevant and useful content for the InfoQ community. Complete the survey for a chance to win 1 of 5 complimentary all-access tickets to QCon Plus (Nov 29 - Dec 9) worth $599. Take the 3 minute survey.

TOP AI, ML & Data Engineering NEWS HEADLINES

  1. AWS DataSync Discovery Preview Edition Supports Automated Data Collection and Storage Recommendation

  2. Amazon Announced Promotion Feature in Its Personalize Service

  3. Amazon Is Adding Visual Conversation Builder for Amazon Lex

Google Open-Sources Natural Language Robot Control Method SayCan

Researchers from Google's Robotics team have open-sourced SayCan, a robot control method that uses a large language model (LLM) to plan a sequence of robotic actions to achieve a user-specified goal. In experiments, SayCan generated the correct action sequence 84% of the time. (News)



Top 10 Innovations in the NoSQL Cassandra Ecosystem

Get the inside scoop on how Cassandra 4.1 adds exciting new features for operators & improves the security posture, without compromising the stability achieved in 4.0. Get insights about projects actually in progress to make Cassandra more easy to use (Stargate) but also to deploy (K8ssandra). Live Webinar, Oct 18th, 2022 - Save your Seat.


  1. Debugging Large and Complex Dockerfiles Gets Easier with Buildg

  2. Open-Source Constellation K8 Engine Aims to Bring Confidential Computing to Kubernetes

  3. Kubernetes Control Plane Metrics Now Available in Google Kubernetes Engine

  4. Open-Source Threat Detection Tool Falco Adds Support for Google gVisor

Terraform 1.3 Release Introduces Simplified Refactoring Experience

HashiCorp has announced the release of the 1.3 version of Terraform. This release introduces optional object type attributes with defaults and expands the capabilities of moved blocks. (News)



CamundaCon 2022 - The Process Orchestration Conference

4 tracks, 50+ speakers, and 2 days of digital transformation insights, technical deep-dives, best-practices and more. Register for free now.


  1. Google Distributed Cloud Virtual Now Supports Virtual Machines

  2. Google Cloud Spanner Introduces Free Trial Instances and Fine-Grained Access Control

  3. Microsoft Announces New Azure Space Capabilities

  4. AWS Glue Now Supports Crawler History

  5. Production Identity Framework SPIRE Graduates from CNCF

Building Modern Transportation System with KubeEdge: How We Made It

Kevin Wang and Huan Wei discuss the benefits and challenges of adopting cloud-native technologies, cloud collaborative architecture with KubeEdge inside, and real-world use cases. (Presentation with transcript included)
Software Delivery Practices Evolve Fast, So Should Your Learning: Attend QCon San Francisco Software Development (Oct 24-28).
What are the major trends that matter right now in software development and technical leadership? Uncover emerging software trends and practices to solve your complex engineering challenges, without the product pitches. Save your spot now!



Backing up AWS data: The Definitive Guide

The importance of protecting your data in AWS cannot be overstated. CISA recommends using air gapped, immutable backup and rapid recovery. Learn How.


  1. Multi-Factor Authentication Fatigue Key Factor in Uber Breach

  2. GCP Announces MITRE ATT&CK Mappings to Implement Security Controls

Amazon Switched Compression from Gzip to Zstd for Own Service Data

A tweet from Adrian Cockcroft, former VP at Amazon, recently highlighted the benefits of switching from gzip to Zstandard compression at Amazon and triggered discussions in the community about the compression algorithm. Other large corporations, including Twitter and Honeycomb, shared interesting gains using zstd. (News)



Orchestrating Secure User Login with Authentication Actions

Simple authentication is not enough. Join our webinar to learn how authentication actions improve security and user experience. Learn more and register.


  1. Java 19 Delivers Features for Projects Loom, Panama and Amber

  2. Lightbend Changes Akka License and Is No Longer Open Source

  3. Apache ShenYu: Java Responsive API Gateway Announced as Apache Top-Level Project

  4. Java News Roundup: Helidon Níma, Spring Framework, MicroProfile, MicroStream, Kotlin, Piranha

Virtual Threads: New Foundations for High-Scale Java Applications

Virtual threads are a lightweight implementation of Java threads, delivered as a preview feature in Java 19.  They dramatically reduce the effort of writing, maintaining, and observing high-throughput concurrent applications. Virtual threads breathe new life into the familiar thread-per-request style of programming, allowing it to scale with near-optimal hardware utilization. (Article)



SQL vs NoSQL: Architectural Differences

Read this paper to understand SQL vs NoSQL architectural differences, the tradeoffs between flexibility, scale, and cost, and considerations for successful SQL to NoSQL migrations. Download now.

.NET MAUI Framework Released Together with Visual Studio 2022

Microsoft announced last August that its multi-platform UI framework called MAUI has been officially released and out of preview, with the launch of Visual Studio 2022 for Windows. The release marks the official launch of the new framework for .NET programmers targeting Android and iOS devices, a direct successor to Microsoft’s Xamarin Forms framework. (News)



MQTT over QUIC: Next-Generation IoT Standard Protocol

QUIC is slated to replace traditional TLS over TCP due to its improvements in both security and efficiency. See what MQTT over QUIC can do for IoT applications.


  1. Luxon - Better Date and Time Management in JavaScript

Secure, Performant Platform Extensibility through WebAssembly

Saúl Cabrera explores how server-side WebAssembly can be leveraged to enable synchronous, secure and performant platform extensibility. (Presentation with transcript included)

TOP Architecture & Design NEWS HEADLINES

  1. Preventing Serverless Vendor Lock-in with Design Patterns

Location, Location, Location: MVA Considerations for Distributed Processing and Data

Even when designing a Minimum Viable Architecture (MVA), developers must consider resource location, especially when mobile apps are part of a distributed system. Distributing the data and processing can introduce new challenges if location is not part of the decision-making criteria. (Article)


Apollo GraphQL

Discover Your Path to a Supergraph

Download this e-book to learn how to adopt GraphQL incrementally while proving value from the beginning, and best practices for migrating to a federated graph from a monolith or multiple GraphQL APIs, and more. Download now.

TOP Culture & Methods NEWS HEADLINES

  1. Using Data to Predict Future Usage and Increase User Insights

DevOps at Schneider: a Meaningful Journey of Engaging People into Change

Adopting DevOps at Schneider started with building a case for change. Tech people were engaged into change by organizing learning and collaboration sessions and getting feedback from the front lines. Change is hard and without leadership support, dedicated time for developers to really digest it and continual reinforcement and conversation, it will be challenging to be successful. (Article)

Agile Hiring: a Joint Venture between the Talent Acquisition and Product Development Teams

The demand for IT professionals is far higher than the offer. Nowadays the challenge is not just to attract and acquire, but to retain the best professionals in the sector. Let's enable dev team members to acquire and secure the best candidates for their teams and the company, collaborate with talent acquisition, and respect candidates as professionals and maintain open communication with them. (Article)

Observability for Speed & Flow

Jessica Kerr considers that we should be looking at the software as part of the team, and observability in the software becomes an asset to organizing teams. (Presentation with transcript included)

The Secret Strategy for Landing That Staff Engineer Role

Nicky Wrightson shares from her expertise having several different senior IC roles, to give insight into the possible routes of staff plus role, including what is needed to get a staff plus role. (Presentation with transcript included)

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Four Key Technologies That Enable Microservices

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Architecture of a Distributed Database - Watch Webinar On-Demand