TODAY'S TOP STORIES - November 5, 2017

Hightower: The Definition of Obscenity Is the Huge Money and Benefits Our Gov't Hands Over to Amazon

By Jim Hightower, AlterNet

Cities are bending over backward to be Amazon's next headquarters.  READ MORE»

How to Survive Thanksgiving If You Have to Spend It with Die-Hard Trump Supporters

By Liz Posner, AlterNet

Reaching across political divisions is actually possible with radical empathy. READ MORE»

The DNC’s Emails Weren’t Only Hacked, they Were Edited: Report

By Matthew Rozsa, Salon

Russian hackers have tampered with emails before and a new report reveals they did with at least one Clinton email. READ MORE»

It's No Accident that Sexual Harassers Rise Up the Ranks

By Jessica Valenti, The Guardian

For too long, we’ve lauded men’s domination and aggressiveness as a sign of leadership rather than possible red flags. READ MORE»

Ex-Prosecutor: Look for ‘Clearly Indictable’ Michael Flynn to Be Next Trump Advisor Brought Down by Mueller

By Tom Boggioni, Raw Story

"[F]rom the congressional perspective, Mike Flynn is also in trouble..." READ MORE»

The Battle Is Underway to Elect a New Governor in Virginia—And Progressives Are Phone-Banking to Turn the Tide

By Ilana Novick, AlterNet

Progressive organizations are throwing their weight as the elections draw near. READ MORE»

There's More to High School Equivalency Than the GED

By Valerie Vande Panne, AlterNet

An alternative test is gaining steam. READ MORE»

Is the U.S. the Largest Purveyor of Genocide on the Planet?

By Jeff Bachmann, AlterNet

American policy has deadly consequences for people all over the world. READ MORE»

6 of the Strongest Marijuana Strains

By Phillip Smith, AlterNet

Some of the strains have incredible THC content--near the limits of the physically possible for dried buds.  READ MORE»

Empathy Burnout, Compassion Fatigue: The Downside of Being an Animal Rescuer

By Dr. Marc Bekoff, AlterNet

"Most people don't appreciate the strain this work causes." READ MORE»

The Media Is Making All Kinds of Excuses for George H.W. Bush's Nasty Groping Habits

By Tegan Jones, FAIR

5 women have accused President George H.W. Bush of grabbing their behinds and making lewd jokes. READ MORE»

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