NWC Update
Network Computing
August 26, 2023
Hottest Places to Find a Tech Job
AMD, Cisco, and Others Team on Ethernet for AI and HPC
From tail latency to training algorithms, the Ultra Ethernet Consortium – hosted by Linux Foundation with founding members across the networking industry – is tackling new challenges and building a complete Ethernet-based stack architecture optimized for artificial intelligence and high-performance computing.

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IP Address Consolidation: Mitigating Risk and Revealing Hidden Assets
By examining your network’s IP address holdings, discovering what is in use, and taking steps to consolidate and repair reputations, you can simplify IP address management and reduce the risk of errors and security breaches.
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Adapting to the Cloud Era of Cybersecurity: How CISO’s Priorities Are Evolving
With the move to the cloud, CISOs must shift priorities from operating security programs to overseeing (monitoring and auditing) outsourced cybersecurity programs.
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Why a Cloud Operating Model Requires a Modern Load Balancer
Businesses looking to embrace the cloud must also ensure their network infrastructure, which includes load balancers, has been fully modernized.
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  • Passwords Are Passe: Next Gen Authentication for Today's Threats

    Cyber experts agree: end-user authentication needs more than the simple password. But what are the right tools and strategies for authentication in your organization? What does the world of passwordless look like for your organization? In this webinar, experts offer ...

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How to Make SD-WAN Predictive Automation a Reality
By arming SD-WAN networks with end-to-end intelligence, analytics-driven predictions, and predictive automation solutions, IT teams can simplify infrastructure management and assure higher levels of quality experiences for users. Read More
Understanding Private 5G Deployment Options
Despite the various deployment alternatives available on the private 5G market today, turnkey and managed service options seem to resonate most with enterprise customers. Read More
How to Clean Network Firewall Rules in Four Steps
By fine-tuning firewall rules, enterprises can ensure that their firewall remains effective in maintaining a secure posture and protecting their networks. Read More
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