
The European aviation authority issued a blanket ban on the 737 Max, joining Australia, Singapore, India and others. The groundings put more pressure on Boeing and further isolate the FAA, which has assured passengers the jet remains airworthy after two crashes. Boeing shares fell for a second day, this time by 6.1 percent.—Josh Petri

Here are today's top stories

The fate of the 737 Max could turn on a single Trump tweet, David Fickling wrote in Bloomberg Opinion. Airplanes are becoming "far too complex to fly," the U.S. president wrote.

Theresa May didn’t get two things she wanted most from her latest talks with the European Union. And now that she's lost again in Parliament, an extension on the looming Brexit deadline is more likely.

OPEC is sending a clear message to Wall Street: if Washington passes a law that allows the U.S. to sue the cartel, the first victim will be shale.

Celebrity parents and some investors were among dozens charged with being part of a sweeping criminal conspiracy to help applicants win admission to elite universities through bribery and cheating. Here's the full list of defendants.

The U.S. Army's five-year plan would end or reduce 186 existing weapons programs and shift an estimated $25 billion to new projects.

Elon Musk told the SEC he uses Twitter carefully. His tweets tell a different story. 

What's Joe Weisenthal thinking about? The Bloomberg news director has decided he can no longer ignore the debate swirling around Modern Monetary Theory. His take? The key thing to recognize is that MMT isn't some policy waiting to be implemented; at its core, it's an attempt to (rightly or wrongly) describe the world as it exists right now.

What you'll need to know tomorrow

What you'll want to read tonight in Businessweek

So You Want to Be a Pop Star in China

Being big in China didn’t used to mean much. In 2013 the music industry made less money there than it did in Denmark. That’s changed. Baidu now runs a streaming music service that pays for rights, and other big Chinese internet companies have invested billions of yuan into their own streaming services. In 2017, China became one of the world’s 10 biggest music markets for the first time. By next year, it could be in the top five. 

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