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Stocks Journal

Here is an interesting offer from our partners:

America Has Reached A Historical "Turning Point"

In recent weeks, there's been a growing number of warning signs:

  • The average savings rate for consumers had dropped to just 2.3% in October - its lowest level since 2005...
  • The largest private equity firm in the world is curbing redemptions from their real estate investment trust (REIT)...
  • Our nation's debt is over $30 trillion - with forecasts reaching $45 trillion by 2032...
  • We're facing another 2008-style housing crash...
  • And the Fed's at risk for tipping us into a recession.

It's clearly evident:

America Has Reached A Historical "Inflection Point" in Our Economy

And if you're over the age of 50 and your retirement plans depend on your portfolio recovering in the next few years...

I have something you need to hear.

According to 20-year market veteran Dan Ferris, the stock market meltdown that upended your life this year is just the tip of the iceberg...

He says the what's coming next will be a "cash frenzy" that could cause a panic more severe than any other crisis in history.

Ferris likely has one of the greatest track records of any investor in America.

To date, he's recommended over 23 stocks that have seen triple-digit gains in the past few years with very little risk.

He accurately called the top of the Nasdaq in 2021... warned about bitcoin before it plummeted 80%... and helped readers cash in on the 2008 Lehman Brothers collapse (those who acted could've locked in an 82% gain in 5 months).

Today, he's stepping forward to issue his next big prediction - and make sure you don't end up in the same mess most Americans could soon find themselves in.

As he just told me:

"This is what investors have come to expect... that a "buy the dip" approach will always be rewarded...

But I believe following that logic today could be the biggest financial mistake you ever make.

In other words, there's a lot of money to be made... or a lot of money to be lost, depending on how well you understand what's now taking place."

Dan just went on camera to explain his new prediction, and exactly what it means for your money.

In fact, he's summed up exactly what's happening in just TWO words.

And he's outlined the four steps you should take immediately to prepare...

Click here to see his new prediction, 100% free.