June 29, 2016

America's 15 Best Burgers

Is there any food more quintessentially American than the burger? The simple sandwich of ground beef on a bun allows for considerable creativity from the chef or home cook who's making it, and there are thousands of variations, from one end of the...Read More
Holeman & Finch Burger

Sweet Treats for 4th of July

July 4th is the unofficial start of summer and it’s only days away! The kids are out of school, the days are getting warmer and everyone is ready to make their favorite dishes to celebrate. While corn on the cob and hamburgers are typical 4th of...Read More

The Perfect Foods for Every Picnic: Our 40 Best Recipes

There’s no better way to spend a summer’s day than by packing up a picnic and setting off to enjoy the warmth and sunshine and fresh air. Whether you’re headed for a day at the beach, going for a long hike, relaxing with some outdoor drinks with...Read More
Peanut Butter Jelly Sandwich

Celebrate the Fourth With 1 (or More) of These Great American White Wines

This Fourth of July, celebrate with that most American of white wines: chardonnays from California (or even Virginia). Here are 11 to choose from ranging from $11 to $70 in price.[related]If your taste buds want something other than chardonnay,...Read More
white wine

13 Fancy Dishes You Should Never Try to Make at Home

For all you ambitious cooks, hosting a dinner party is a great excuse to show off your culinary skills. The week before the party, you’ll be planning the menu, practicing dishes, and figuring out how best to impress your guests with your most...Read More
Beef Wellington

How 10 Other Countries Celebrate Their Independence

The Fourth of July is only a week away, but that doesn’t mean Independence Day celebrations need to end — after all, we’re not the only country with such an event. There are currently almost 200 nations in the world, almost all of which have an...Read More
How 10 Other Countries Celebrate Their Independence

Four Plant Based Ways to Please Party Guests on the Fourth of July

Nothing is more American than hot dogs and hamburgers fired up on the grill. This 4th of July, pair the red, white and blue with a little green…and serve plant protein based recipes as a hearty and satisfying alternative for vegetarians and meat-...Read More
hot dog

How to Throw an Outdoor Summer Party Without Lighting the Grill

If you don’t have a grill, your grill is broken, or you’re just really sick of spending every cookout standing over the boiling grates, flipping burgers for hours on end, there’s no need to write off hosting summer parties. Summer dishes don’t all...Read More
Charred Mexican Salad

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