March 11, 2016

America’s 25 Most Successful Chefs of 2016

The most successful chefs in America aren’t just chefs. They’re brands, and extremely valuable ones at that. Using all the data available to us, we ranked the top 25 chefs and other food professionals according to their estimated net worth, and the...Read More
Most Successful Chefs

Here's What to Do With That Leftover St. Patrick's Day Corned Beef

You don’t have to be Irish to enjoy St. Patrick’s Day — especially with all the good eats involved. When the fog and headache clear after a St. Patrick’s Day well-spent, relish in the fact that leftovers mean even more delicious treats can be...Read More

14 Birthday Cakes Your Kids Will Never Forget

Children’s birthday parties are the happiest days made up of presents, laughter, lots of attention, the best party food, endless games, and, most importantly, a birthday cake. This day is the one day of the year when every child deservedly garners...Read More
Surprise-Inside Cake

You’ve Been Using Your Protein Shaker Wrong

Disclaimer: Much gym judgment follows.We get it: You’re huge, your muscles are bigger than everyone else’s, and you want everyone to know it. Your muscles need fuel (instead of using a powder, consider eating one of these foods to build muscle), so...Read More
gallon water

10 Ways to Make Your Work Lunch Healthier

There are a lot of different ways to interpret the phrase “healthy eating,” but we’d like to start with one that had a brief moment in the spotlight in April of 2015. We’re borrowing the following quote from a piece by The Daily Meal’s Associate...Read More
frozen food

25 Best Springtime Cakes

With Easter on the horizon and spring flowers beginning to bloom, we can’t help but be in a baking mood. Pastel frostings, tropical flavors, fresh berries, and more will add the bright colors of spring to any dessert spread, from bridal showers to...Read More
25 Best Springtime Cakes

Not All Easter Candy Is Junk: Here’s the Good Stuff

These next few weeks leading up to Easter are filled with chocolate and candy temptations. Even for the most strong-willed amongst us, it’s hard to resist those Cadbury Creme Eggs, colorful Peeps, mini eggs, and chocolate bunnies, which we have to...Read More
Cadbury Mini Eggs

25 Most Authentic Irish Pubs in America

As St. Patrick’s Day approaches, we’re sure you’re thinking about which watering holes to visit for the occasion. To help with your decision, we’ve found the 25 best authentic pubs in the country."Authenticity" is a tricky concept, but we've in...Read More

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