July 26, 2016

America’s 75 Best Hot Dogs

The hot dog is one of those foods that’s nearly impossible to mess up. You heat it through, plop it on a bun, squirt on some mustard, and call it lunch. But there’s a big difference between not screwing something up and turning it into a paradigm-...Read More
Puka Dog

14 Tips for Hosting Brunch on a Budget

Going out for brunch means long lines, slow service, overpriced pancakes, and expensive cocktails. [related] So, in the interest of saving money, and being able to enjoy a much more relaxed, laid-back start to the day, we have taken to hosting our...Read More

This Rare Disease Brews Beer in Your Stomach

For some people, having a digestive system that converts ordinary food into alcohol might sound like a dream come true: You never have to drink in order to get drunk! But this condition, called auto-brewery syndrome, is as real as can be, and for...Read More

10 Wines from Chile for Both Special Occasions and Everyday Drinking

In many ways, the Chilean wine industry is similar to that of California: Both rely largely on Bordeaux varieties for red wines and chardonnay for whites; both have hot interiors and foggy coastal areas; and both have long experience is producing...Read More

5 Famous Babies Named After Food

It seems we can tell who the really dedicated, food-loving, ingredient-obsessive celebrities are by looking at the names they have given their children. [related]Those who are truly food-focused (we’re looking at you, Gwyneth Paltrow) took their...Read More
Jamie and Jools Oliver

The 12 Most Important Rules in a Restaurant Kitchen, According to Professional Chefs

Restaurants are two completely different worlds: In the front of house, where guests are dining, it’s a controlled, peaceful environment that’s relaxed and comfortable. But in the back of house, out of view of the guests, it’s hot, chaotic,...Read More
Restaurant Kitchen

11 Ultimate Grilled Dinner Party Desserts

As soon as the steaks and corn on the cob are cooked, we typically go to turn off our grill, with no further need for it that evening. [related] But what if next time you were cooking dinner on the grill for you and friends, you left it on, wiped it...Read More
Grilled Peaches

5 Ways Alton Brown’s ‘Good Eats’ Revolutionized Cooking Shows Forever

Alton Brown is today a household name among those who have even a passing interest in cooking (or watching cooking shows), but when his cooking show Good Eats first hit the airwaves in 1999 it was anything but a sure bet. Who was this wacky guy,...Read More
Alton Brown

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