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June 24, 2020
Police have adopted the same fundamental societal outlook as gun rights advocates: Arms are synonymous with law and order.
By Firmin DeBrabander
Jamaal Bowman and the Democratic Insurgency That Could Help Save the Planet
Many establishment Democrats have failed to recognize the urgency of the climate crisis, but their challengers do.

By Kate Aronoff
Temping for the One PercentWhat life as a part-time receptionist taught me about the pre-pandemic eliteBy Sophie Madeline Dess
How to Fix America’s Broken Guest-Worker SystemTrump’s suspension of visa programs is the perfect opportunity to reimagine them entirely.

By Timothy Noah
I Still Do Water Drops Because the Covid Crisis Hasn’t Ended the Border CrisisPaige Corich-Kleim provides aid to migrants crossing the U.S.-Mexico border. For her, the pandemic has changed nothing and everything.
Paige Corich-Kleim as told to J.C. Pan
A Dream of Lasting Solidarity at the Dyke MarchMarching this year was a reminder that the mainstream LGBT movement still needs to cement its commitment to anti-racism.By Josephine Livingstone
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