July 21, 2016

America's Unhealthiest Fast Food Breakfasts

Fast food chains have done a very good job of turning breakfast into a game. If only they can create the ultimate crazy breakfast dish, then they can capitalize on the millions of people who pass a fast food joint daily on their way to work. But in...Read More
Carl's Jr. Breakfast Burger

A Legend In His Time

Paul Draper, the winemaker and CEO of Ridge Vineyards for nearly 50 years, recently announced his retirement. In my mind Paul was the California wine industry’s guiding force in continuing traditional wine making practices and making consistently...Read More

12 Reasons You Need to Visit Cuba the Moment You Can

On October 19, 1960, with the United States drawing ever closer to nuclear war with both the Soviet Union and Cuba, America cut ties with the island nation located only 90 miles south of Florida, establishing a commercial, economic, and financial...Read More
12 Reasons You Need to Visit Cuba the Moment You Can

Quick and Easy Dishes to Feed a Crowd at Your Summer Cookouts

There’s no better way to spend a summer weekend than by hosting your friends and family at the tastiest cookout in your own backyard. Basking in the sunshine, sipping on refreshing drinks, everyone’s favorite tunes playing on the speakers, and wafts...Read More

20 Make-Ahead Cold Soups for Summer

In the searing heat of summer, eating an entire meal can often seem like the most unappealing prospect, even for the hungriest, most food-obsessed among us. The thought of eating something hot starts to make us sweaty and uncomfortable, so cold —...Read More

The Ultimate Guide to Campfire S’mores

No other food screams summer quite as much as a perfectly molten s’more, cooked gently and slowly over the flames of a campfire. These charred-marshmallow and chocolate-filled treats have been enjoyed by kids (and grown-ups) throughout America since...Read More

How to Crack Crab Like A Pro

Cracking open freshly cooked crab and removing the meat is definitely not the easiest task in the kitchen. If you are not careful and hyper vigilant, stray bits of crab shell could sneak its way into your food.[related] So what’s the proper way to...Read More

24 Best College Towns in America for Food

When high school students start applying to college, their future degree and quality of education should come first and foremost. Of course, it’s also important to remember that not all 24 hours of every day will be spent in a classroom or library....Read More
24 Best College Towns in America for Food

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