Plus, the legal limbo of separated immigrant families, and more...

June 29, 2021
The End of American Politics
Everything you think you know about how our democracy functions is about to change.
by Osita Nwanevu


Most theories about the pandemic starting with a bioengineered virus are less plausible than the simpler alternative: bats being bats.
by Lindsay Beyerstein
Elites want to wish away the last four years, but they ignore the former president’s 50 million fans at their peril.
by Wallace Shawn
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Our writers and editors are fighting for a fairer world—but they need your help. Here’s a special summer offer to subscribe to The New Republic.
—Ryan Kearney, executive editor
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The White House is discovering that the path to undoing the former president’s most despised policy is full of tricks and traps.
by Felipe De La Hoz
Hollywood rarely lets women have fun—and get away with it.
by Lidija Haas
It’s the fifty-second anniversary of the event that started the LGBTQ movement. But it’s what happened after the uprising that really matters.
by Evan Wolfson
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