A very good morning to you. 🌞 Today, an artist is suing Trump border wall contractors for destroying
Nov 9, 2020 • View in browser

A very good morning to you. 🌞 Today, an artist is suing Trump border wall contractors for destroying his wall made of cheese, an artist addresses anti-Asian bigotry in New York, and a look at the ideal of Spanish modernist architecture.
Last week was big for us, first, we launched our new website (please check it out), and then we all survived one of the most intense elections in US history. Let’s hope this week is better and the start of new things.
— Hrag Vartanian, editor-in-chief
Post-election, the Internet Copes With Memes
A sparkling view of the United States from a pro-Georgia fan-cam video
A sparkling view of the United States from a pro-Georgia fan-cam video
As suspense mounted post-election, people on the internet did what they know to do best: create stress-relieving memes that accurately captured the feelings of a sleep-deprived, nail-biting nation.
An entire genre of memes emerged to parody the unbearable slowness of Nevada’s vote count, and a plethora of other memes have celebrated the demise of Donald Trump. Check out some of the best ones here.
In Other News
Art collector Seth Stolbun stepped down from the board of Rhizome, a New Museum affiliate, after a report revealed accusations of workplace harassment and unhealthy work conditions at the museum.
A 70-foot wall made entirely of cheese has been destroyed — and the artist behind the work is suing Trump’s border wall contractors for allegedly dismantling it.
Amanda Phingbodhipakkiya, an artist in residence at the Human Rights Commission, addressed rising violence against Asian Americans in an ad takeover of Brooklyn’s Atlantic Avenue subway station.
Latest Reviews
A Haunting Installation Reexamines the Ideals of Spanish Modernist Architecture
A Book of Practical, Everyday Magic
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