Jobless claims fall again; unemployment at 3.9% | Why employers should accelerate generative AI training | Give employees an easy out when making a request
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May 24, 2024
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Jobless claims fall again; unemployment at 3.9%
(Mel Melcon/Getty Images)
Unemployment levels are historically low, as jobless claims declined by 8,000 to 215,000 the week of May 18. The unemployment rate is 3.9% and has remained under 4% for 27 months, the longest since the 1960s.
Full Story: ABC News (5/23) 
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Recruiting & Retention
Employers should start training employees in the use of generative AI as soon as they start their jobs and follow up by monitoring how the employees apply the technology, says Deloitte Chief Learning Officer Anthony Stephan, who points out Deloitte determines which new skills people will need and focuses AI training on outcomes. "It's becoming increasingly difficult for universities and academic institutions to keep up with this pace of change in upskilling people," Stephan says.
Full Story: WorkLife (5/22) 
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Benefits & Compensation
The National Association of Wholesaler-Distributors and other business groups are suing the federal government over an expansion of mandatory overtime pay rules. The lawsuit, filed against the Department of Labor, seeks to block the implementation of a Labor Department rule that would require overtime pay for workers earning less than roughly $58,600 annually.
Full Story: National Association of Wholesaler-Distributors (5/22),  Reuters (5/23) 
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The HR Leader
Robert Half International combines diversity, equity and inclusion with environmental, social and governance efforts and sets clear goals, says ESG and DEI Officer Susan Haseley, who points out the company organizes employee network groups that offer mentorship and development programs. "Within these groups, employees have opportunities to create meaningful connections and discuss ESG and DEI related issues in constructive and meaningful ways outside their usual scope of work," Haseley says.
Full Story: StrategicCHRO360 (5/21) 
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Workplace Chatter
UMass Dartmouth students get a lesson in generosity
(MediaNews Group/Boston Herald Via Getty Images/Getty Images)
At UMass Dartmouth's recent commencement, billionaire Robert Hale Jr. surprised graduates by giving each $1,000, with the stipulation that half must be donated to a cause of their choice. Hale, known for his philanthropic work, wanted to share the joy of giving with the graduates and encourage them to be givers also.
Full Story: National Public Radio (5/23) 
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Editor's Note
SmartBrief will be closed Monday, May 27
In observance of Memorial Day in the US, SmartBrief will not publish Monday, May 27.
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SmartBreak: Question of the Day
Count me among those who didn't know Memorial Day is also National Moment of Remembrance, when Americans are asked to pause and remember those who died in service to the US for a minute at what time, locally?
Vote3 p.m.
About the Editor
Kanoe Namahoe
Bri is a 23-year-old single mother with a four-year-old daughter; she does sewing work for me. I respect her because she works hard -- holding down two jobs -- to live independently and provide for her daughter. She has an unusual maturity for her age. She spends prudently, sets aside money for savings and always has an eye on her future.
She recently ran into some issues with her car. The cost to fix it would likely be at least $1,000. She told me that a sweet older woman had insisted on paying for the repairs. Bri wanted to accept but felt uncomfortable doing so.
“It’s so much money!”
“Yes, but she offered. You didn’t ask.”
“I know, but still. I feel bad.”
“Don’t,” I said smiling. “She has the means and it sounds like she saw herself in you. Is that right?”
Bri admitted the woman had said as much to her. “Still feels weird,” she said.
“Don’t block the blessing, kiddo, ” I said, gently. “Accepting her gift blesses her and you. Giving keeps us humble. It keeps us from being shackled by money or belonging. We keep our eyes open to the world and other people’s needs. Plus, one of these days, someone else will need help and it will be your turn to give."

Generosity begets generosity, as we see in today’s Workplace Chatter story about billionaire Robert Hale who, along with his wife Karen, gave $1,000 to each graduate in the class 2024 at University of Massachusetts Dartmouth. The graduates were allowed to keep $500 for themselves and were to give away the other $500 to a worthy cause.
"Some of the most joyous times in our lives have been when we've had the chance to share," Hale explained. "And so we thought, if there's a way that we could create that seed within another generation where they would get to experience the joy of giving, then maybe that becomes something that they would strive to do and be accustomed to doing and make us all a little bit better along the way."
I love it. The students were quick to act with their gifts. Donations went to children’s organizations, women’s shelters, relatives in financial straits and more. The common thread among all the donations: a personal connection. The students all gave to people or organizations that had personal meaning to them.
I can’t think of a better story to kick off our three-day holiday weekend. Let’s all grab rest, enjoy the early summer sunshine and look for ways we can be generous with our time and possessions. See you Tuesday! 

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