DOUBLE your impact through Dec 31.

Free Press

Dear Friend,

After 20 months of COVID-19, it’s become impossible to ignore the systemic injustices that impact Black, Brown and low-income communities.

But here’s the thing: In Washington, D.C., there is now more political will to actually do something about these injustices than at any other time in Free Press’ history.

It is of course tragic that it took a pandemic to motivate lawmakers — and this makes all of us at Free Press all the more determined to push through real, meaningful and significant changes NOW before members of Congress turn their full attention to the campaign trail.

This is why we have set an ambitious goal to raise $50,000 by Dec. 31 — and why our matching-gift donor told me the other day that they’re more than happy to DOUBLE every single gift until we reach that goal. Please make your year-end contribution now.

Following our truly historic victory of securing $65 billion in the infrastructure bill toward ending the digital divide, it is critical that we do not let up in our fight for access to lifesaving information for even one moment.

Our window of time to achieve meaningful victories could be brief as legislators might become more hesitant to take bold, meaningful action the closer we get to the midterm elections.

Please donate now to DOUBLE your impact and help Free Press to:

  • Keep pressure high on Congress to finally regulate Big Tech in meaningful ways, following up on the hard proof from Facebook’s whistleblowers about the company’s harmful and deceptive business practices.
  • Push for the confirmations of Jessica Rosenworcel and Gigi Sohn as FCC commissioners — which must happen before the agency can get to work on a range of urgent changes.
  • Make sure that the $65 billion secured through the infrastructure bill toward affordable and accessible internet reaches the people who need it most — including Black, Brown and low-income communities.
  • Reinstate Title II Net Neutrality — making sure that internet service providers (ISPs) can’t discriminate and interfere with what you want to do online. Demand a full accounting from the FCC of how U.S. media policy has harmed Black and Brown communities — and push for significant and immediate changes to those policies.

Donate now while your year-end gift will go TWICE as far toward providing the resources we urgently need to pursue our critical work.

Thanks to your support, we’re well-known advocates in the halls of Congress and Big Tech boardrooms. And thanks to you, our movement has achieved so much over the past two years: getting and keeping Trump kicked off social media, passing significant funding for high-speed internet in Congress, fighting disinformation and more.

You have helped make all of this possible. And by donating now you can DOUBLE your impact on our work in 2022.

Thank you for everything you have done — and continue to do.

In solidarity,

Craig Aaron
Free Press

P.S. Free Press is committed to maintaining our independence. That’s why we do not take a single dollar from business, government or political parties — and why we rely on gifts from charitable foundations and individual supporters like you to make everything we do possible. Please make your year-end tax-deductible donation now to DOUBLE your impact on our urgent work in 2022.

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